OL98: Internet Mail Issue with Whole Earth Networks ISPID: Q180444
When you use, GST Whole Earth Networks (The Well), as your Internet Service Provider (ISP), and are not using a dial-up connection with one of Whole Earth Networks local phone numbers, messages queued to be sent in the Microsoft Outlook 98 Outbox may generate a Non-Delivery Report (NDR) from the ISP.
Outlook tries to send mail before checking for mail. This prevents you from authenticating properly with the anti-spam filters installed on GST Whole Earth Networks mail servers.
To assure continued authentication with the ISP server, set Outlook to check for new mail in less than 30-minute intervals. To do so, see the REFERENCES section later in this article.
Whole Earth Networks has implemented new security measures in order to
prevent unsolicited email from being relayed through their mail servers by
persons who are not their customers. Because of the manner in which Outlook
sends mail before checking for new mail first, it can give the impression
that the Internet Mail service in Outlook is not functioning properly.
You must be authenticated by GST Whole Earth Networks before sending mail,
only if you are not dialing in through one of GST Whole Earth Networks'
local phone numbers or are not one of their dedicated connection customers.
For information on setting the interval to check for new mail with the Corporate/Workgroup (CW) installation of Outlook, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
For information on setting the interval to check for new mail with the Internet Mail Only (IMO) installation of Outlook, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:Q190172 OL98: (CW)Configuring Outlook to Automatically Dial Your ISP
Q179950 OL98: (IMO) How to Set Up Internet Mail Accounts
Additional query words:
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbdta MsgSend GnlOthr MsgRply Intp3rdPty
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: July 7, 1999