OL98: Outlook Hangs When You Enter a Phone Number Into a ContactID: Q190229
You are using Microsoft Outlook 98 with Microsoft Windows 98. When you attempt to enter the telephone number for a Contact, Outlook appears to stop responding (hang).
You are using the 3Com ISDN 128k accelerator software update for Windows 98
in conjunction with a US Robotics Sportster ISDN 128k terminal adapter.
The presence of the 3Com ISDN 128k Accelerator software causes a conflict
in Outlook.
To successfully add phone numbers in Outlook Contacts it is necessary to
remove the 3Com accelerator software and use the driver supplied with
Windows 98.
NOTE: The Windows 98 device driver for the Sportster ISDN Adapter only
supports a single ISDN channel connection during a session. This driver
does not support the Multilink PPP feature as the 3Com software does.
To remove the ISDN Accelerator software update, follow these steps:
Additional query words: 98 2000
Keywords : kbdta EvnGpf
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: June 22, 1999