OL98: Resources for Custom Forms and Programming
ID: Q180826
The information in this article applies to:
This article describes where to find information on customizing
Microsoft Outlook 98 forms and creating solutions with Outlook.
Outlook supports custom forms, an object model, and Visual Basic Scripting
Edition (VBScript). Information on how to automate and customize Outlook to
meet your needs is available from several sources. This article discusses
the following resources:
- Outlook Forms and Visual Basic Help Files
- The Outlook Object Model
- The VBScript Web Site
- The Outlook Developer Forum Web Site
- Newsgroups
- Microsoft Press Books
- Microsoft Support Options
- Solution Providers
NOTE: Because the Microsoft Web site is constantly updated, the site
addresses in this article may change without notice. If this occurs, link
to the Microsoft home page at the following address and search for your
Outlook Forms and Visual Basic Help Files
Outlook provides two related Help files, Olform.hlp and Vbaoutl.hlp.
To install these files, you must first install Outlook and then run
Setup to install the additional development tools.
For more information about installing these help files, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OL98: How to Install Visual Basic Help
To access these Help files after they're installed, on the
Help menu click Contents And Index. The Help files will be shown
towards the bottom of the Contents page as "Outlook Customization and
Forms" and "Microsoft Outlook Visual Basic Reference."
If you use these files frequently, consider creating a shortcut to
Olform.hlp and placing it on your desktop or Start menu. When you directly
open Olform.hlp, the Contents page will include the Visual Basic Reference
The Outlook Object Model
Chapter 5 of the "Microsoft Office 97/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide"
provides an overview of the Outlook object model, working with Outlook
folders, items, and events, and using automation and VBScript. While not
written specifically for Outlook 98, most of the features of the object
model have remained the same, except for features added in Outlook 98. The
Programmer's Guide is included with the Microsoft Office 97, Developer's
Edition. The Office 97/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide is available at:
The VBScript Web Site
The Microsoft Scripting web site provides frequently asked questions,
sample code, and free downloads for people using the VBScript language. The
VBScript Web site is available at:
The Outlook Developer Forum Web Site
The Microsoft Outlook Developer Forum provides technical information,
resources, sample code, and tips for those creating Outlook automation and
form solutions. The Outlook Developer Forum is available at:
The Microsoft Developer Network Library
If you are developing enterprise-level solutions that involve Microsoft
Exchange, you should consult various Exchange and Messaging documentation
that is available at the Microsoft Developer Network Library site:
Peer-to-peer newsgroups are available to help you interact with other
Outlook users. You can use any newsreader software to access these
newsgroups. The Microsoft news server name is msnews.microsoft.com.
Information about all Microsoft newsgroups is available at:
The following Outlook newsgroups focus on solution-related issues:
- Programming Forms: microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
- Add-ins and Utilities: microsoft.public.outlook.addin_utility
Microsoft Press Books
Microsoft publishes many books for Office programmers, but Outlook
developers should consider "Building Applications with Microsoft
Outlook 98" (ISBN 1-57231-718-3), by Microsoft Press. This book is
available at major book sellers. The previous version for Outlook 97
is out of print.
For information on offerings by Microsoft Press, consult the Microsoft
Press web site at:
or call Microsoft Press at (800)MSPRESS
Microsoft Support Options
Microsoft provides a complete range of support options for Outlook
For more information about where to get direct support for developing
solutions with Microsoft Outlook 98, please see the following article
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OL98: Getting Support for Developing Outlook-related Solutions
Solution Providers
For information about Solution Providers in your local area, contact the
Microsoft Solution Provider Sales and Information line at (800)765-7768
in the US or (800)563-9048 in Canada. For information about support in
other locations, contact a local Microsoft subsidiary.
For more information about common questions related to creating solutions
with Outlook 98, please see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
OL98: Questions About Custom Forms and Outlook Solutions
Additional query words:
OutSol OutSol98 Vbaoutl.hlp
Keywords : kbdtacode
Version : WINDOWS:98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: June 30, 1999