OL98: Riched20.dll Error Messages Cause Outlook to FailID: Q187973
When you attempt to start Microsoft Outlook, you may receive the following error message:
Outlook.exe caused an 'access violation' fault in module Riched20.dll at 014f:4802bc95.
If you click OK, Outlook fails to start.Outlook caused an Invalid Page Fault in Riched20.dll.
The file, Riched20.dll is damaged.
Rename the Riched20.dll file and reinstall Outlook 98, or copy the
Riched20.dll file from your Microsoft Office 97 CD-ROM.
To replace the file from your Office 97 CD-ROM, follow these steps:
Riched20.dll is the source library for Rich Text Editing and display features in Outlook, notably with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Outlook Rich Text selected as the default e-mail format. Problems with Riched20.dll may be manifested at start up with an inability to read text in the Outlook preview pane.
Additional query words:
Keywords : EvnGpf
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: August 3, 1999