PPT2000: Animation Doesn't Play when Viewing Previous Slide

ID: Q197701

The information in this article applies to:


While viewing your presentation in slide show, if you select to view a previous slide which contains text, graphic animations, or narration, the text and graphics do not animate, and the narration does not play.


Microsoft PowerPoint only plays animations and narration when you advance to the slide.


Method 1: Return to the Previous Slide

If you want to repeat the animation or narration on a particular slide, return to the slide immediately before the slide containing the animation or narration, and then click Advance (click the left mouse button).

Method 2: Create a Macro to Reset the Slide Builds

In PowerPoint, you can create a macro to reset the builds on a specific slide. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q168495 PPT97: Sample Code to Reset the Builds on a Slide


Microsoft welcomes suggestions or comments about changes in functionality and product design. You are invited to submit suggestions by filling out the form at the following Microsoft Web site:


Additional query words: builds animated picture textbox bullets slide transition fade back reverse ppt2000 9.00 ppt9 interactive settings action settings

Keywords          : 
Version           : WINDOWS:2000
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: June 28, 1999