PPT2000: Can't Drag and Drop Movies/Sounds to Excel or Word

ID: Q198340

The information in this article applies to:


When you attempt to use a drag and drop operation to move a movie or sound object from Microsoft PowerPoint to Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, a picture image appears in place of the object. This behavior does not occur when you use the drag and drop operation to move an object from Word or Microsoft Excel into PowerPoint.


When you insert a movie or sound object into Word or Microsoft Excel, you get a Media Player OLE object. If you copy and paste or drag and drop this object into another OLE-aware program, it is still a Media Player object. When you insert a movie or sound object into PowerPoint 97, however, you get a special kind of picture that only PowerPoint knows how to play. If you copy and paste or drag and drop this object into another program, it is treated as a picture and not an OLE object.

NOTE: You can insert a movie or sound into PowerPoint that will drag and drop as expected by doing the following:

  1. On the Insert menu, click Object.

  2. Click Media Clip on the list of available Object types. Media Player starts.

  3. On the Insert Clip menu, click the type of Movie or Sound you would like to insert.

  4. In the Insert Clip dialog box, click the file you want to insert.

  5. Click outside the Media Clip object to return to PowerPoint.

If you copy and paste or drag and drop this object into another program, it will translate as a Media Clip OLE object.


Insert the object into Word or Excel directly instead of using the drag and drop method from PowerPoint. You can use the steps listed above to do this.

Additional query words: 9.00 movie wav avi picture ppt9 mov mid rmi qt quicktime

Keywords          : kbinterop kbui kbdta 
Version           : WINDOWS:2000
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: June 28, 1999