PPT2000: Graphic Formats Supported by PowerPoint

ID: Q212281

The information in this article applies to:


The following table lists the graphic file formats tested and supported by Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 for Windows:

**NOTE: For important information on the CDR filter, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q157737 CorelDraw! Filter Imports .Pat and .Cdt, Not .Cmx Files
***NOTE: The Micrografx Designer/Draw (*.DRW), AutoCAD Format 2-D (*.DXF) and Targa (*.TGA) filters are not included with Office 2000. These filters can be obtained by either of the following ways:


PowerPoint Setup installs the graphic import filters into the following folder:

   C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Grphflt 

If other programs install 32-bit graphics filters into this folder, PowerPoint can use them. However, Microsoft does not guarantee that PowerPoint will work correctly with additional filters.

Additional query words: hpgl meta file tiff wp winppt ppt2k 9.0 ppt9

Keywords          : kbgraphic 
Version           : WINDOWS:2000
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: June 28, 1999