PPT97: Cannot Apply Headers and Footers if Placeholders are MissingID: Q163388
When you try to add a Slide or Page Number, Date and Time, or other footer or header items to your presentation these items do not appear.
Replace the missing placeholders on the master slide. To do this follow these steps:
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.
When you attempt to use the Page Number or Slide Number command (on the Insert menu) while you are using any of the Masters: Notes, Handout, Slide, or Title, or when you are in Slide or Notes view, you receive the following message:
When you click OK, the Header And Footer dialog box appears.To add a page number to this page only, first select the text where you want it to go. To add a page number to every page, use the Header and Footer command on the View menu. Do you want to go to the Header and Footer Command now?
When you click OK, the Header And Footer dialog box appears.To add the date or time to your own text, fisrt select the text where you want it to go. To add the text or time to the placeholder, use the header and footer command on the view mwnu. Do you want to go to the Header and Footer Command now?
Additional query words: 97 handouts placeholders 8.0 ppt8 ppt8.0 powerpnt powerpt power point ppt
Keywords : kberrmsg kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: February 20, 1999