ID: Q182928
The information in this article applies to:
When you attempt to save your PowerPoint presentation in any of the following formats listed in the Save As dialog box
Windows Bitmap (*.bmp, *.dib)
Targa (*.tga)
Tagged Image File Format (*.tif)
PC Paintbrush (*.pcx)
PowerPoint will fail to export the slides and you will receive the
following error message:
PowerPoint was unable to export all slides.
This problem occurs because PowerPoint does not support these formats. The most common reason for this problem is that you installed Microsoft Picture It! 2.0 on the computer after you installed PowerPoint 97. When you install Microsoft Picture It!, all file formats that are available to Picture It! will also be available to PowerPoint (listed in the Save As Type list in the PowerPoint Save As dialog box).
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.
Additional query words: ppt ppt97 pcx tga tif picture it powerpnt 8.0 ppt8 exporting broken unavailable listed choices
Keywords : kbinterop kbdta kbconversion kbbuglist
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Hardware : x86
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbpending
Last Reviewed: November 26, 1998