PPT97: How to Align and Distribute Objects

ID: Q161296

The information in this article applies to:


You can align and distribute objects evenly using the commands on the Align Or Distribute submenu on the Draw menu (on the Drawing toolbar).


There are several ways to align objects. You can align them with other objects, by aligning them to the sides, middles, top or bottom edges of objects. You can align them in relation to the entire slide, such as at the top or left edge of a slide. You can also align objects by using guides to align them visually, or by using the grid to align them with a corner on the grid as you draw or move the objects.

New to PowerPoint 98 is the ability to arrange or distribute objects so that they are an equal distance from each other vertically or horizontally, and you can position them in relation to the entire slide.

To arrange objects an equal distance from one another, follow these steps:

1. Select the objects you want to arrange. Unless you arrange the objects

   in relation to the entire slide, you must select three or more objects.

   NOTE: To select a series of objects, hold down the SHIFT key while
         clicking each object.

2. Click Draw on the Drawing toolbar, and point to Align Or Distribute.

3. To arrange objects an equal distance from one another, click Distribute

   Horizontally or Distribute Vertically.

   To arrange objects an equal distance from one another in relation to
   the entire slide, click Relative To Slide. Click Draw again, point to
   Align Or Distribute, and then click Distribute Horizontally or
   Distribute Vertically.

Additional query words: 97 8.00 distribute arrange align tips & tricks escher
Keywords          : kbdraw 
Version           : WINDOWS:97; MACINTOSH:98
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS
Hardware          : MAC x86
Issue type        : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: May 20, 1999