ACC1x: Changing RowSource of a List Box or Combo Box at Run TimeID: Q92897
The RowSource property for a combo box or list box cannot be modified while the form is active. However, there is a workaround for changing the recordset that the object is bound to. This article discusses that workaround.
The workaround for this problem is to bind the object to a query, then
manipulate the query's recordset underneath the object. For example, you
would bind the object to a query called Query1, then create a new query
called Query1 programmatically, while the object is active.
The following example illustrates this technique. In this example, there
is a combo box bound to data from the Products table in the sample
database NWIND.MDB. By selecting one of two check boxes, the order of
records in the combo box will be changed:
Option Explicit
Function NewOrder (WhichSort%)
DoCmd Hourglass True
Dim D As Database, Q As QueryDef
Set D = CurrentDB()
Screen.ActiveForm!MyCombo.Enabled = True
Screen.ActiveForm!MyCombo.Locked = False
On Error Resume Next
D.DeleteQueryDef ("DeleteMe")
On Error GoTo 0
If WhichSort = 1 Then
Set Q = D.CreateQueryDef("DeleteMe",_
"SELECT [Product ID], [Category ID]_
FROM Products ORDER BY [Product ID];")
Set Q = D.CreateQueryDef("DeleteMe",_
"SELECT [Product ID], [Category ID]_
FROM Products ORDER BY [Category ID];")
End If
DoCmd Requery "MyCombo"
DoCmd Hourglass False
End Function
Keywords : kbusage FmsCmbo
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: March 12, 1999