ACC1x: Checking for Last or First Record in a MacroID: Q95807
In a macro, you cannot check the result of an action just performed. As a
result, you can run into a problem when using a macro to move to the next
record or the previous record. There is no record previous to the first
record and no next record following the last record. If you attempt to go
to the previous or last record when there is none, Microsoft Access
displays error messages that may confuse users of a custom application.
This article assumes that you are familiar with Access Basic and with
creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools
provided with Microsoft Access. For more information on Access Basic,
please refer to the "Introduction to Programming" manual.
You can work around this on a form by using Access Basic functions to
move from record to record. For example, use the following custom
MoveToNext() function to move to the next record or previous record on a
Option Explicit
Function MoveToNext (DisplayMsg$, MoveForward%)
Dim MyDyna As Dynaset
Set MyDyna = Screen.ActiveForm.Dynaset
MyDyna.Bookmark = Screen.ActiveForm.Bookmark
If MoveForward% Then
End If
If MyDyna.EOF Or MyDyna.BOF Then
MsgBox DisplayMsg$
Screen.ActiveForm.Bookmark = MyDyna.Bookmark
End If
End Function
OnPush: =MoveToNext("You are at the end of the record set", True)
Keywords : kbusage McrOthr
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: March 19, 1999