WD: Setting Sequence Numbering Using a Bookmark in Word

ID: Q193204

The information in this article applies to:


You can use the {SET} statement to set the sequence numbering in a {SEQ \r} statement in a Microsoft Word document.


The \r switch used in a sequence field resets the sequence number to the number following the \r. You can also use a bookmark with a numeric value in this field. The SET variable is considered a bookmark after the SET field is updated. (The field can be updated by pressing F9 while the field is selected.) In the following example, the bookmark {year} is set to 1992 at the beginning of the document. The {SEQ} field starts the sequence number at {year}, which results in 1992.

Note that the variable {year} becomes a bookmark that must be contained in field code brackets when used.

   Example                 Result
   -------                 ------

   {set year 1992}
   {SEQ yr \r{year}}       1992
   {SEQ yr}                1993
   {SEQ yr}                1994

Additional query words: anual sequences numerical series
Keywords          : kbdta 
Version           : MACINTOSH:6.0,6.0.1,6.0.1a; WINDOWS:1.0,1.1,1.1a,2.0,2.0a,2.0a-CD,2.0b,2.0c,6.0,6.0a,6.0c,7.0,7.0a
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: February 12, 1999