DOCUMENT:Q154481 07-NOV-1999 [exchange] TITLE :XGEN: README.TXT: Microsoft Exchange 5.0 U.S. Service Pack 1 PRODUCT :Microsoft Exchange PROD/VER:5.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbusage ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= The following is the Readme.txt file that accompanies the Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.0 U.S. Service Pack 1. MORE INFORMATION ================ Microsoft Exchange Server Version 5.0 Service Pack 1 Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Installation Instructions for Microsoft Exchange Server Service Pack 1 2.1 Installation Instructions for Microsoft Exchange Client Service Pack 1 2.2 Installation Instructions for Microsoft Exchange Macintosh client Service Pack 1 2.3 Installation Instructions for Microsoft Outlook Client for Exchange Service Pack 1 2.3.1 Administrator Installation Instructions for Outlook Client Installation Point 2.3.2 End User Installation Instructions 2.3.3 Value Pack Installation Instructions 3.0 Updating the Web Connector 3.1 Requirements Before Updating 3.2 Chinese Language Preferences 3.3 Anonymous Access 3.4 Attachment Upload Requirements 4.0 User Notes 4.1 Using Multiple Offline Address Books in the Administrator Program 4.2 Using Multiple Offline Address Books in the Client 4.3 Windows File Types List for Microsoft Exchange Client for Macintosh 4.4 Microsoft Exchange White Papers 5.0 List of Bugs Fixed in Microsoft Exchange Server Service Packs 1.0 Introduction ---------------- This release of Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is easy to apply from within Microsoft Windows NT and changes only those files that were originally set up on the Microsoft Exchange Server system. Important: Service Pack 1 requires that Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 has already been installed on the server or client workstation that you are updating. 2.0 Installation Instructions for Microsoft Exchange Server Service Pack 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install Service Pack 1 for the Microsoft Exchange Server from compressed files: 1. Create two subdirectories, Setup and Support. 2. Download the compressed Setup file appropriate for your hardware platform into the Setup directory. Select the appropriate file as indicated in the following list: Alpha AXP(TM): SP1_500A.EXE Intel(R): SP1_500I.EXE 3. Download the compressed support file appropriate for your hardware platform into the Support directory. Select the appropriate file as indicated in the following list: Alpha AXP(TM): SP1S500A.EXE Intel(R): SP1S500I.EXE 4. At the Windows NT command prompt, switch to the Setup directory and type the name of the file downloaded in step 2 followed by a -d to ensure that the correct directories are created. (Example: SP1_500A -d) 5. At the Windows NT command prompt, switch to the Support directory and type the name of the file downloaded in step 3 followed by a -d to ensure that the correct directories are created. (Example: SP1S500A -d) 6. Switch to the Setup directory, and type Update. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen. 7. Switch to the Support directory, and type Setup. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen. 2.1 Installation Instructions for Microsoft Exchange Client Service Pack 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install Service Pack 1 for the Microsoft Exchange Client from a compressed file: 1. Create a Client subdirectory. 2. Download the compressed Setup file appropriate for the clients for your hardware platform directory. Select the appropriate files as indicated in the following list: Windows 16-bit client: SP1_50WI.EXE Windows 16-bit NEC client (Japan only): SP1_50EC.EXE Windows 95 client: SP1_509I.EXE Windows NT (Alpha): SP1_50NA.EXE Windows NT (Intel): SP1_50NI.EXE 3. At a command prompt, switch to the Client directory, and type the name of the file downloaded in step 2 followed by a -d to ensure that the correct directories are created. (Example: SP1_50NA -d) 4. To update a client, switch to the Client and platform directory, and type Update. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen. NOTE: On older computers and non-Intel processors, the Update program can take 10 or more minutes to run because it must copy the cabinet files to the local computer, extract the files, and then copy them to their correct locations. NOTE: To refresh the client installation point on your network so that it contains the latest fixes and prevents new users from having to run Update immediately after they run Setup, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: ARTICLE-ID: Q164560 TITLE :How to Update Client Install Share with 5.0 SP1. 2.2 Installation Instructions for Microsoft Exchange Macintosh client Service Pack 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install Service Pack 1 for the Microsoft Exchange Macintosh client from a compressed file: 1. Download the file SP1_50MA.EXE and unzip it. 2. Copy SP1_50MA.hqx to a Macintosh or a Power Macintosh. 3. Convert the file from BinHex format. (This requires a utility on the Macintosh to convert from BinHex format.) 4. Double-click the SP1_50MA file. 5. Open the Microsoft Exchange folder. 6. Double-click Microsoft Exchange Setup. Follow the instructions. 7. Run Microsoft Exchange. The Profile Wizard guides you through the process of creating a new profile. -or- 1. Download SP1_50MA.hqx to a Macintosh or a Power Macintosh. 2. Convert the file from BinHex format. (This requires a utility on the Macintosh to convert from BinHex format.) 3. Double-click the SP1_50MA file. 4. Open the Microsoft Exchange folder. 5. Double-click Microsoft Exchange Setup. Follow the instructions. 6. Run Microsoft Exchange. The Profile Wizard guides you through the process of creating a new profile. 2.3 Installation Instructions for Microsoft Outlook Client for Exchange Service Pack 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3.1 Administrator Installation Instructions for Outlook Client Installation Point ---------------------------------------------------------------- To install Service Pack 1 on an existing Outlook Administrator installation point from a compressed file: 1. Create an Outlook directory. 2. Change to the Outlook directory and create a Admin directory. 3. Download the compressed Outlook Admin file appropriate for your hardware platform into the Admin directory. Select the appropriate file as indicated in the following list: Windows 95 Outlook Administrator SP1_50A9.EXE Windows NT 3.51 Outlook Administrator SP1_50A3.EXE Windows NT 4.0 Outlook Administrator SP1_50A4.EXE 4. At the Windows NT command prompt, switch to the Admin directory and type the file name. (Example: SP1_50A4). 5. Double-click AdminUpd.exe, and then follow the instructions displayed on the screen. NOTE: This Service Pack will not update an Outlook version 8.0 installation. 2.3.2 End User Installation Instructions ---------------------------------------- To install Service Pack 1 on an existing Outlook Client installation point from a compressed file: 1. Create an Outlook directory. 2. Change to the Outlook directory and create a Client directory. 3. Download the compressed Outlook Client file appropriate for your hardware platform into the Client directory. Select the appropriate file as indicated in the following list: Windows 95 Outlook Client SP1_50O9.EXE Windows NT 3.51 Outlook Client SP1_50O3.EXE Windows NT 4.0 Outlook Client SP1_50O4.EXE 4. At the Windows NT command prompt, switch to the Client directory and type the name of the file downloaded in step 3 followed by a -d to ensure that the correct directories are created. (Example: SP1_50O4 -d) 5. Double-click Update.exe, and then follow the instructions displayed on the screen. NOTE: This Service Pack will not update an Outlook version 8.0 installation. 2.3.3 Value Pack Installation Instructions ------------------------------------------ To install Service Pack 1 on an existing Outlook Value Pack installation point from a compressed file: 1. Create an Outlook directory. 2. Change to the Outlook directory and create a ValuPack directory. 3. Download the compressed Outlook ValuPack file appropriate for your hardware platform into the ValuPack directory. Select the appropriate file as indicated in the following list: Windows 95 Outlook Client: SP1_50V9.EXE Windows NT 3.51 Outlook Client: SP1_50V3.EXE Windows NT 4.0 Outlook Client: SP1_50V4.EXE 4. At the Windows NT command prompt, switch to the ValuPack directory and type the name of the file downloaded in step 3 followed by a -d to ensure that the correct directories are created. (Example: SP1_50V4 -d) NOTE: This Service Pack will not update an Outlook 8.0 installation. 3.0 Updating the Web Connector ------------------------------ The Web Connector is now called Microsoft Outlook Web Access. 1. Create an Outlook directory. 2. Change to the Outlook directory and create a Web directory. 3. Download the compressed Web Connector file appropriate for your hardware platform into the Web directory. Select the appropriate file as indicated in the following list: Alpha AXP(TM): SP1_50BA.EXE Intel(R): SP1_50BI.EXE 4. At the Windows NT command prompt, switch to the Web directory and type the name of the file downloaded in step 3 followed by a -d to ensure that the correct directories are created. (Example: SP1_50BI -d) 3.1 Requirements Before Updating -------------------------------- Before updating a server that has the Web Connector installed, the following must be installed: Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 Active Server Pages 1.0b (distributed in Windows NT 4.0 SP3) 3.2 Chinese Language Preferences -------------------------------- Web browsers can request Chinese Traditional (zh-tw) or Chinese Simplified (zh-cn). Some browsers do not differentiate between Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified when reporting their language preference to the server. In cases where the browser does not specify a sublanguage, the most recently installed language pack will be the default. You can control what language will be returned in these cases by the order of installation of your Chinese language packs. 3.3 Anonymous Access -------------------- Anonymous access is not available to folders hosted on servers running Windows NT Server 3.51. To support anonymous folder access, the folders must be hosted on a server running Windows NT 4.0. 3.4 Attachment Upload Requirements ---------------------------------- When using Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows 95 or Windows NT, you must update to Internet Explorer 3.02 with the File Upload add-on to add attachments to a message. At the time of the SP1 release, this add-on was not available for the Windows 3.x platforms. 4.0 User Notes -------------- 4.1 Using Multiple Offline Address Books in the Administrator Program --------------------------------------------------------------------- Administrators can configure offline Address Books that remote users can use to obtain information about other users in their organization. When connecting remotely to a Microsoft Exchange Server computer, a user can download an offline Address Book containing a list of recipients the administrator specifies. Offline Address Books are stored in hidden public folders. Remote users typically send messages to a regular group of addresses and require a subset of the global address list (GAL) rather than the entire GAL for their organization. For example, members of a marketing group may need the addresses of the complete marketing and sales groups, but not the entire set of engineering group addresses. The Offline Address Book property page on the DS Site Configuration object has been enhanced to allow generation and manipulation of multiple offline Address Books. Defining Offline Address Book Properties Use the Offline Address Book property page to set up multiple offline Address Books. 1. In the Administrator window, choose Configuration, and then double-click DS Site Configuration. 2. Select the Offline Address Book tab. 3. In the Offline Address Book Server box, select one of the servers in your site. IMPORTANT: You must select a server running Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.0 and Service Pack 1. 4. To add containers for more offline Address Books, click Add. -or- To remove offline Address Book containers, select a container, and then click Remove. 5.To generate offline Address Books, click Generate All. The following options appear in the Offline Address Book property page: - Offfline Address Book Serve: The name of the server where you want to generate the offline Address Book. - Address Books: Displays a list of Address Books to be generated for the site being administered. - Add: Displays a list of containers that can be added to the list of offline Address Books. - Remove: Removes the selected offline Address Book from the list. - Generate All: Generates all displayed offline Address Books immediately. 4.2 Using Multiple Offline Address Books in the Client ------------------------------------------------------ Multiple offline Address Books require Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 SP1 or later and either Microsoft Exchange Client 5.0 SP1 or Outlook 8.02. When the feature is enabled on the server and a user tries to download an offline Address Book as in previous versions of Microsoft Exchange, the user will be prompted with a dialog box that lists all available Address Books. The user can select one of these Address Books. 4.3 Windows File Types List for Microsoft Exchange Client for Macintosh ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This feature improves interoperability between the Microsoft Exchange Macintosh client and other e-mail clients. Under some circumstances, the Microsoft Exchange Macintosh client sends and receives e-mail by using only the data fork of the message. A new entry in the preferences file (named Windows File Types) lists file types for which the Microsoft Exchange Macintosh client will use only the data fork of the message. Types of Entries There are two types of entries: - General extensions - Specific extensions for creator and type General Extensions Users can add an entry of the form: EXT [Number]= .[Extension] All files that have this extension will be inserted in subsequent messages as a data fork-only attachment. The default types are HTML, GIF, PDF, and JPEG. Specific Extensions for Creator and Type Users can add an entry of the form: :[CREATOR]:[TYPE]= .[Extension] All files that have the specified creator and type will be inserted as a data fork-only attachment. The extension will be added to the end of the file name, unless it is already present. 4.4 Microsoft Exchange White Papers ----------------------------------- Downloading the Exchange Whitepapers 1. Create the subdirectory WPapers on your local hard disk drive. 2. Download the file SP1_50WH.EXE located in the Server subdirectory to your WPapers subdirectory. 3. At the Windows NT command prompt, switch to the WPapers directory and type SP1_50WH followed by a -d to ensure that the correct directories are created. (Example: SP1_50WH -d). The following Microsoft Exchange white papers have been included as a convenience to you and can be found in the \\Support\Whiteppr directory. These documents can be viewed with Microsoft Word for Windows 95 or Microsoft Word for Windows version 6.0. - 09exrk.doc = Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting This document provides information about troubleshooting problems with Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Exchange Client. - Abexrk.doc = System Management Checklist This document provides checklists for daily, weekly, monthly, and periodic maintenance tasks to ensure that your Microsoft Exchange Server computers are operating efficiently. - Acexrk.doc = Performance Monitor Chart Views This paper describes the pre-configured Microsoft Windows NT Performance Monitor chart views included with Microsoft Exchange Server. - Backrest.doc = MS Exchange Disaster Recovery This paper outlines thoughts, observations, and techniques that can be applied to Microsoft Exchange Disaster Recovery planning. NOTE: For more information about Microsoft Exchange, see the following resources: Microsoft Exchange Server Web site: Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooters: Microsoft Exchange Frequently Asked Questions: Microsoft Knowledge Base: Microsoft TechNet Reference Desk: Microsoft Support OnLine: Microsoft TechNet: (800) 344-2121 and or e-mail 5.0 List of Bugs Fixed in Microsoft Exchange Server Service Packs ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Use the Qnnnnnn number that precedes the title of the bug fix to query the Microsoft Knowledge Base for an article about that bug. Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 Service Pack 1 Q145789: XCLN: Boldon James MAPI X.500 Address Book Client Service Crash Q145875: XFOR: cc:Mail Messages are not Delivered by DEC Mail Bus Q145976: XCON: GWART is Incorrect Due to Latency in Directory Replication Q145986: XCON: Illegal Country Code in X400 Address Causes MTA to Hang Q146032: XCON: MTA: Invalid Originator Address When Sending to X.400 Q146143: XCON: DeferredDeliveryTime Echoed Within DeliveryReportEnvelope Q146929: XCON: ORName not Included in Reported IPMessageId Q147454: XFOR: PC MTA Message Tracking Does Not Log Message Size Q147547: XFOR: IMC Mail Arrives in X.400 Address Format Q148284: XCON: When and How to use the Mtacheck Utility Q148992: XADM: Cannot Perform Forklift Upgrade Using UPDATE.EXE Q149387: XFOR: MSMI Terminating with Memory Access Violation, Event ID 23 Q149974: XADM: ISINTEG Prematurely Aborts Processing in Test 22 Q151373: XCON: DBCS Chars in Subject of Embedded Message not Converted Q151395: XCON: MTA Terminates After Receiving Mail from Zoomit Gateway Q151413: XCON: ContentReturn Requested by Default Q151417: XCON: Latin-1 X.400 Bodypart Encoding Causes NDR Q151431: XFOR: MSMI Stops Without Error Q151473: XFOR: MSMI Crashes Starting a New Thread, Reads a Null Pointer Q151669: XFOR: MSMI Stops Processing Mail Q151782: XFOR: DirSync Modifies Causing Names to Disappear from Exchange Q151786: XFOR: Schedule+ Meeting Requests Drop the When Field Q151788: XADM: "Reps-From" USN Too High for One Server Q151790: XFOR: NDR with Diagnostic: 12 Erroneous Content Syntax Q151791: XFOR: MSMI Stops Processing When Submitting Bad Address Q151792: XFOR: One-off Addressed Mail from ccMail User not Tracked Q151972: XADM: Message Limits Incorrectly Valculated After 5.0 Upgrade Q151978: XADM: EcPropSize-MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Reported by ISINTEG Q151992: XADM: Simultaneous Move User Operations Freeze Q152165: XCON: IMS Queues Back Up to Hosts with Multiple MX Records Q152166: XFOR: Attachment Name Truncated When Name Contains a Period Q152292: XFOR: IA5 Body Part Used Although Different Setting is Selected Q152449: XADM: Directory Import Fails When Import File Includes DBCS Q152529: XADM: Crash in Srvrmax.exe (RtlQueryInformationAcl) During Setup Q153103: XCON: MTA Terminates Unexpectedly in Large Nested DL Expansion Q153464: XFOR: Unexpected Text Attachment in Mail Received from Internet Q153487: XFOR: Exchange Proxy Addresses Not Deleted on cc:Mail POs Q154053: XFOR: Address Format Bhen Backboning cc:Mail over Exchange Q154719: XCON: MTA: Line Wrap When Using ISO 6937 Bodypart Q155379: XADM: Unable to Match Custom Recipient Due to RFC1327 Conversion Q155592: XFOR: MSMI Message Tracking Does Not Log Message Size Q155727: XFOR: DirSync Deletes and Modifies Not Being Processed by DXA Q155765: XADM: Store Crashes in Ecreleaselogonop Q156355: XADM: IS Incorrectly Handles a Forward Slash in DDA Value Q156844: XADM: IS Incorrectly Handles a Forward Slash in DDA Value Q158151: XFOR: ErrMsg: Event ID 1035 - Unable to Open or Read a Message Q158590: XCON: Delivery Restrictions Max CPU and Slow Down Msg Delivery Q159166: XCON: MTA Stops Responding; Event ID 2110 Q160250: OL97: Printout of Item Contains Header But no Body Text Q160534: XCON: Size Limits May Cause Message Looping Q160850: XADM: DS_E_BUSY after Directory Service Restore Q161587: OL97: How to Customize Outlook Calendar Holidays Q161945: XCON: MSMail Shows Blank Icon for File Attachments from Internet Q161952: XFOR: Messages Sent with MSMI Are Malformed Q163750: OL97: Outlook Running With Eudora Pro 3.0 May Cause Errors Q164136: XCON: MSMail Read Receipts Missing Subject: and To: Information Q164247: OL97: Outlook Does Not Correctly Show All TAPI Devices Q164340: XADM: Importing CSV to Directory Causes GPF in MAD Q164401: OL97: Using Contacts with Insert Address in Word Q164408: OL97: Imported Fax Numbers May Not Work in Outlook Q164662: XCON: Message Conversion Fails in MIME Uudecoder Q164697: XCON: EDK Gateway Gets Directory Name Instead of E-mail Address Q164839: XCLN: Application Err When MSMail Client Gets the Return Receipt Q164845: XADM: Access Violation in Srvrmax.exe During Setup Q164847: XCON: Win95 Client w/ Mail Service Won't Prompt for RAS Callback Q164852: XCON: Attachments from HP OpenDesk May Not Open Q164855: XCON: Japanese Exchange May Show a Subject Line of ???????? Q164856: XCON: MTA Fails to Pick Up DN of Servers with Similar Site Names Q165115: OL97: Outlook Problems Handling Macintosh File Attachments Q165371: XADM: Error Creating NT Account in Exchange Administrator Q165412: OL97: Some Outlook Fields Are Offset by One Character Q165442: XCLN: Client Deletes Existing PST in Absence of Filescan Rights Q165873: OL97: Sam Translator Error Importing Schedule Plus File Q166022: OL97: Summary of Changes in Outlook Version 8.02 Q166023: OL97: 8.02 Security Improvements Q166162: XFOR: MACGATE Access Violation During Generation of Admin Msg Q166262: OL97: Visual Basic Script Editor Has 32 KB Limit Q166515: XADM: Primary SMTP Proxy Not Used for Email Address Q166516: XFOR: Message Body Missing or Truncated While Downloading Msg Q166518: XADM: New Public Folder Created by INS Defaults to US ASCII Q166519: XCON: IMS Encapsulates the X.400 O/R Address Q166521: XFOR: X.400 Address is Encapsulated on SMTP Messages Q166522: XFOR: From Field Changed when Message Sent to INS Q166523: XFOR: 5.0 Mapi Causes IMS to be 10% Slower Q166531: XCLN: Mac Attachments are Unrecognizable After Crossing IMC Q166532: XFOR: Incorrect Codepage SJIS Used when JIS Set as Default Q166533: XFOR: Message Body Corruption Due to Ambiguous Codepage Q166534: XCLN: Synchronization of Offline Folders Over RAS or Net Hangs Q166536: XCON: MTA Generates Event ID 2187 on Deferred Delivery Message Q166537: XFOR: NNTP Authentication Denied with Space in NT Password Q166539: XADM: View-Only Admin can Change the Age Limits on PF Q166542: XADM: JET_errDatabaseInconsistent After Crash in Soft Recovery Q166543: XFOR: Migration Wizard Hangs with Invalid Entry in SEC File Q166545: XFOR: DXA Improperly Appending 001 to Friendly Names in the GAL Q166546: XCLN: POP Attachments do not Decode Q166547: XCLN: Mac Client will not Launch on PowerMacs Without Easy Open Q166548: XADM: Administrators Cannot Add Accounts to Private IS Q166549: XCLN: Can't Access Proptags in Other Propsets Via Fields.Item() Q166550: XCLN: Active Messaging App Running as Service Fails Q166551: XCON: MTA Fails while Rebuilding Routing Table Q166552: XADM: Starting the IMS Causes the Infomation Store to Stop Q166553: XCON: Encapsulated Message not Delivered Over X.400 Connector Q166555: XADM: Address Book Views Fail if Referenced Object is Deleted Q166556: XADM: Modifying cc:Mail Proxy Address can Cause Double Escapes Q166557: XCLN: More Secure Launching of Attachments, Freedocs and URL's Q166558: XFOR: Inbound Internet Message may Cause Access Violation Q166560: XGEN: German EDB Error Messages not Localized Q166561: XFOR: CCMC not Handling Bad Messages Correctly Q166562: XFOR: STORE.EXE GPFs When POP3 Client Submits Bad Message Header Q166563: XADM: System Attendant Stops While Tracking a Message Q166564: XCLN: How to Not Convert Outbound Attachments to MacBinary Q166567: XCON: How to Enable Lowest Cost Routes Only Q166568: XCLN: Message Created Using MAPI Cannot be Opened Q166570: XFOR: IMS May Crash When Receiving Message from Pegasus Mail Q166572: XADM: 5.0 Proxy Address Generator and Scandinavian Characters Q166573: XFOR: Two attachments Created When Filename Has a Path Q166576: XFOR: GPF in Store.exe When Doing Fixed Width Font Conversion Q166577: XFOR: Subject Field for SMTP Outbound Mails not ECU-KR Encoded Q166580: XFOR: MIME and UUENCODED Messages Cause Store Conversion Error Q166583: XADM: Folders are Sorted when Non-English Settings are Used Q166584: XFOR: IMS does not Immediately Reject Inbound Connections Q166590: XCLN: Searching for Manager Produces Mapi Error Q166593: XFOR: MSMail Migration Wizard Stops in Progress Q166595: XFOR: Japanese Web Client Messages Corrupted when Posted Q166596: XADM: Store Dr. Watson's When Trying To Start Q166597: XCLN: Outlook Chinese SFS Client Receives NDR's on Replies Q166599: XCLN: .MMP file Created by Exchange Active Server Q166600: XCON: Message Subject Lost When Sending to SP3 Exchange Server Q166602: XCON: Exchange MTA TCP/IP and TP4 connection Limits Q166604: XFOR: IMS Behind Firewall does not use Second MX Record Q166605: XFOR: Reply Message to Internet Will have Embedded Text Ticked Q166606: XFOR: Msgs With Mixed Japanese Encoding not Decoded Correctly Q166608: XADM: Store Access Violation with error code C0000005 Q166610: XFOR: Unable to Open Attachment from ccMail Q166612: XADM: Migration from Collabra to Exchange Fails Q166613: XCLN: Mac Client Can't Logon if NT Account Has Extended Chars Q166614: XFOR: Attachments Migrated from ccMail are not Viewable Q166615: XFOR: Message Characters Corrupted When Different Locale Used Q166616: XFOR: IMS Can Accept RFC821 Addresses Containing an Equal Sign Q166618: XADM: Batch Export Crashes When Non Zero ulUSNBase is Specified Q166621: XADM: Gateway out threads not set correctly by Perfwiz.exe Q166622: XADM: SA Crashes When Generating Offline Address Book Q166623: XCON: Large Number of Messages with Receipts Can Stay in MTA Q166624: XADM: Upgrading Active Server Page Scripts Q166645: OL97: Printed Shared Calendar Uses Wrong Name in Header/Footer Q167024: XFOR: Cc:Mail Migration Generates Dr. Watson in Mailmig.exe Q167100: XCLN: Out of Memory errors with Exchange 5.0 16-Bit Client Q167132: XADM: Access Violation in Store.exe After Upgrading to SP4 Q167139: XFOR: MSMI Reports Errors 2563 and 2450 Q167639: XFOR: MSMI Reports Warning 2597 About Un-installed Codepage Q168077: XFOR: Ccmail Connector Alias Name Rule not Functioning Properly Q168119: OL97: Outlook 8.01 Does Not Include CC:Mail Service License Q168139: XFOR: IMS Inbound Mail Communication Problem Q168188: XADM: Possible Loss of Mail with Move Mailbox Q168189: XADM: Unable to Extract Windows NT Account List Q168216: XADM: DSAMAIN.EXE Maxes CPU When Connecting With a Browser Q168300: XCLN: Err Msg: Cannot Open Attachment - Format is not Consistent Q168356: XFOR: Cannot Reply to SMTP Mail Coming from the ccMail Connector Q168536: XCON: Event ID: 246 An Internal MTA Error has Occurred Q168586: OL97: Lunar New Year Is a Chinese, Not a Japanese, Holiday Q168587: OL97: ALT+I in Find Items Causes Outlook to Stop Responding Q168619: OL97: ErrMsg: Condition is Not Valid Using Timex Wizard Q168621: OL97: Calendar Disappears in Second Window Q168622: OL97: Date Prints in Empty User Defined Date/Time Field Q168623: OL97: ErrMsg: Operation Failed Saving Message with Attachment Q168625: OL97: Items Deleted From a Shared Mailbox Go to Wrong Folder Q168626: OL97: Southern Hemisphere Time Zone Appointments Off One Hour Q168641: OL97: Unable to Resolve Nicknames Q168642: OL97: Unable to Print a Shared Schedule+ Calendar from Outlook Q168656: XCON: Given and Surnames Moved to the Front of FROM: Line Q168767: OL97: Garbled Characters in Imported CC:Mail Bulletin Board Q168771: XFOR: Read Receipt From MSMail Does not Contain Subject Line Q168832: OL97: Spelling Checker Does Not Check Words in the Subject Line Q169060: OL97: Error Occurred While Checking Spelling Q169076: OL97: Mailto Function Includes Only E-mail Address Q169163: XCLN: Changes not Proped When Items Added to Fields Collection Q169167: OL97: Invalid Page Fault Opening Outlook Notes MAPI Folder Q169174: XFOR: IMS Halts if RFC821 Address Over 1k in Size is Received Q169200: XADM: Offline Address Book does not Contain all Users Q169241: OL97: Error in Page Setup Using Acrobat PDFWriter Q169242: OL97: Viewing Other's Schedule+ Calendar Uses Outlook Calendar Q169259: OL97: New Nickname Features in Outlook Service Release 1 Additional query words: servpack SP1 fix qfe ====================================================================== Keywords : kbusage Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange500 kbZNotKeyword2 Version : 5.0 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.