WD2000: Left-to-Right Order Applied to Right-to-Left Word 97 HTML DocumentID: Q231449
When you save a file in a right-to-left version of Word 97 as HTML and then open it in Word 2000, right-to-left text in a left-aligned paragraph appears reversed, in a left-to-right order.
To work around this problem, run either the RtlRun or the LtrRun macro on the reversed text. This restores the text to the original reading order.
Follow these steps:
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.
Additional query words: Arabic, Hebrew, RTL, LTR
Keywords : kbdta kbBidi wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: May 24, 1999