WD2000: TOC Shows Backslash Instead of Quotation MarksID: Q227227
When you create a table of contents entry field (that is, a TC field) that
contains quoted material at the end of the TC field, the table of contents
shows the entry concluding with a backslash (\) rather than a set of quotation
marks as its final character.
This behavior occurs when the "Straight quotes" with "smart quotes" option is not selected (on the Tools menu, point to AutoCorrect, click the AutoFormat As You Type tab, and look under "Replace as you type").
For example, the following item in the document
Use of the Phrase "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet"
appears in the TC field as
{TC "Use of the Phrase \"Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet\" "}
and appears in the table of contents as:
Use of the Phrase "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet\
Place a period between the final two sets of quotation marks.
{TC "Use of the Phrase \"Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet\"."}
The backslashes in the field indicate to Word that the quotation marks are
to appear in the table of contents and that they do not indicate the end of
the material. If the backslashes are not present, the text that appears in
the table of contents ends with the second set of quotation marks. In the above example,
Use of the Phrase
would appear in the table of contents.
Additional query words: table of contents entry backslash slash missing quotes quotation mark incorrect
Keywords : kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: May 13, 1999