ID: Q198041
The information in this article applies to:
To create all odd-numbered or all even-numbered pages in a Microsoft Word document (for example, 1,3,5,7... or 2,4,6,8...), use a formula field ({=}) in conjunction with a PAGE field ({PAGE}).
To create all odd-numbered pages, insert the following field in the document header or footer:
{={page} + {={page} - 1}}.
To create all even-numbered pages, insert the following field in the
document header or footer:
{={page} + {page}}
NOTE: If you want to number each page in the same way throughout all
sections, add page numbers before you add section breaks. However, if
you've already added section breaks and want to add page numbers, position
the insertion point in the first section of the document and then insert
page numbers or the fields mentioned above.
NOTE: To create the braces "{}", press CTRL+F9.
For more information about formula fields, click Contents And Index on the Help menu, click the Index tab in Microsoft Word Help, type the following text
field codes: =
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "Field codes: =
(Formula) field" topic. If you are unable to find the information you need,
ask the Office Assistant.
Additional query words: header/footer
Keywords : kbualink97 kbdta kbfield word97
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: February 13, 1999