WD97:Setting Custom Superscipt/Subscript Font Size and Position

ID: Q61030

The information in this article applies to:


The superscript and subscript formats applied to text using the predefined key combinations automatically raise or reduce the font size of the selected text. To create easy-to-apply custom superscript and subscript formats, use the appropriate method for your version of Word.


The predefined key combinations for superscript and subscript are as follows:

Because the predefined key combinations cannot be assigned to a specific point position, use the following process to assign key combinations to different character positions:

1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.

2. Click the Commands tab.

3. Click Keyboard.

4. In the Customize Keyboard dialog box, under Categories, select Format.

   Under Commands, select Raised (for superscript position) or Lowered (for
   subscript position).

5. Change the number in the Raised (or Lowered) to the desired scripting
   height (for example 5 pt).

6. Click in the blank text box beneath "Press New Shortcut Key" and press a
   key combination (just press the keys simultaneously).

7. Click the Assign button to assign the key to the selected scripting
   height command.

Additional query words: super script sub scripted
Keywords          : kbui winword word97 
Version           : WINDOWS: 97
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: December 18, 1998