WordArt: Changing Point Size of Button Style Graphic Causes GPF

ID: Q96817

The information in this article applies to:


If you use the WordArt Button style to create a graphic in a large point size, and then change to a small point size, a general protection (GP) fault error message may occur in Wordart.exe. When the GP fault occurs, Word for Windows and WordArt close or your computer stops responding (hangs).

For example, if you create a Button style graphic in WordArt using a 36 point or larger font size and then decrease the font to 6 points, a GP fault may occur.


To avoid this problem, recreate the WordArt object in a small point size instead of decreasing a large font size when you use the Button style.


If you restart Word without quitting and restarting Windows, the following error messages occur when you insert a WordArt object in Word:

   Microsoft WordArt could not load necessary font files. Please
   ensure WordArt is properly installed.

   Word cannot create the MS WordArt object.

If a GP fault occurs, you should quit and restart Windows before restarting other applications.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.

Additional query words: 2.00 2.00a 2.00a-CD 2.00b 2.00c 1.00 ole applet server client gpf

Keywords          : kberrmsg kbole kbtool kbdta
Version           : windows:1.0
Platform          : WINDOWS
Hardware          : x86
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: March 26, 1998