WordArt: Unable to Edit OLE Graphic in Frame by Double-Clicking

ID: Q79056

The information in this article applies to:


In some cases, if you place an OLE graphic and another component within the same frame, Microsoft Word version 2.0 for Windows doesn't let you edit the graphic by double-clicking the OLE graphic.


To work around this behavior, follow these steps:

1. On the Insert menu, click Picture, select a picture file and then click OK.

2. Select the picture. On the Insert menu, click Frame.

3. While the frame is selected, click Object on the Insert menu.

4. Select MS WordArt and then click OK.

5. Type a word, and click OK to insert the WordArt into the same frame.

6. Press the SPACEBAR to insert a space between the components.

Now you can double-click either object and each takes you to its respective server application for editing.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

1. From the Insert menu, choose Picture, select a picture file, and

   choose the OK button.

2. Select the picture. From the Insert menu, choose Frame.

3. Leave frame selected. From the Insert menu, choose Object.

4. Select MS WordArt, and choose the OK button.

5. Type a word, and press the OK button to insert the WordArt into the

   same frame.

Sometimes you can edit the picture by double clicking it, sometimes you cannot.

Additional query words: 2.00

Keywords          : kbole kbtool kbdta
Version           : windows:2.0
Platform          : WINDOWS
Hardware          : x86
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: March 26, 1998