ID: Q87482
Version 1.0 of the OLE Developer's Toolkit is now available in the Software/Data Library. The toolkit contains the following files:
CLTEST.EXE A standard application to test an OLE server
SRTEST.EXE A standard application to test an OLE client
OLESPY.EXE A utility that displays OLE function calls and
dynamic data exchange (DDE) messages
RETAIL directory The OLE DLLs included with version 3.1 of the
Microsoft Windows operating system
DEBUG directory The debugging version of the OLE DLLs that provide
OLE call tracing and FatalExit messages under
illegal conditions
OLESETUP.EXE The setup program that copies the Toolkit files
into your Windows installation and creates or
updates the registration database. OLESETUP copies
the required DLLs to the SYSTEM directory of your
Windows installation (by default, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM).
If you prefer, you can update the registration
database manually. If OLESETUP updates the database,
it calls the REGLOAD utility to include the contents
of the INI.REG file.
NOTE: The Software Library toolkit file includes two sets of OLE
DLLs: one in the RETAIL directory, the other in the DEBUG directory.
Use the debugging DLLs for OLE call tracing and to debug OLE
applications. Do not ship the debugging DLLs with your product.
To enable call tracing and debugging information, copy the debugging DLLs and symbol files to the SYSTEM directory of your Windows installation.
The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:
~ TOOLKIT.EXE (size: 663135 bytes)
For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software
Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from
Online Services
NOTE: The TOOLKIT file contains a directory structure. To create a
corresponding directory structure on your hard disk, specify the /d
parameter when extracting the file, as follows:
Additional query words: softlib TOOLKIT.EXE kbfile
Keywords : kbfile kbOLE100 kbToolkit
Version : 1.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: December 3, 1998