ID: Q185479
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This article provides three routines to convert a decimal fraction to the form "a b/c".
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about the support options available from Microsoft, please see the following page on the World Wide Web:
In many instances, it is useful to be able to output a decimal value as a
fraction in the form "a/b" or "a b/c". This article provides three routines
that perform that function.
Function Description
-------- -----------
Frac2Num Returns a normalized fraction with the denominator in the
range of 2..8.
Frac2NumA Returns a non-normalized fraction with the denominator you
Frac2NumB Returns a normalized fraction based on a denominator you
A normalized fraction contains the smallest possible denominator. The GCF()
function (Greatest Common Factor) is used in the normalization process.
Non-normalized : 4/6
Normalized : 2/3
1. Create a new project and add the following code to a Module:
Function Num2Frac (ByVal X As Double) As String
Dim Fixed As Double, Temp As String
X = Abs(X)
Fixed = Int(X)
If Fixed > 0 Then
Temp = CStr(Fixed)
End If
Select Case X - Fixed
Case .1 To .145
Temp = Temp + " 1/8"
Case .145 To .182
Temp = Temp + " 1/6"
Case .182 To .225
Temp = Temp + " 1/5"
Case .225 To .29
Temp = Temp + " 1/4"
Case .29 To .35
Temp = Temp + " 1/3"
Case .35 To .3875
Temp = Temp + " 3/8"
Case .3875 To .45
Temp = Temp + " 2/5"
Case .45 To .55
Temp = Temp + " 1/2"
Case .55 To .6175
Temp = Temp + " 3/5"
Case .6175 To .64
Temp = Temp + " 5/8"
Case .64 To .7
Temp = Temp + " 2/3"
Case .7 To .775
Temp = Temp + " 3/4"
Case .775 To .8375
Temp = Temp + " 4/5"
Case .8735 To .91
Temp = Temp + " 7/8"
Case Is > .91
Temp = CStr(Int(X) + 1)
End Select
Num2Frac = Temp
End Function
Function Num2FracA (ByVal X As Double, _
ByVal Denominator As Long) As String
Dim Temp As String, Fixed As Double, Numerator As Long
X = Abs(X)
Fixed = Int(X)
Numerator = Int((X - Fixed) * Denominator + .5) ' Rounding
If Numerator = Denominator Then
Fixed = Fixed + 1
Numerator = 0
End If
If Fixed > 0 Then Temp = CStr(Fixed)
If Numerator > 0 Then
Temp = Trim$(Temp & " " & Numerator & "/" & Denominator)
End If
Num2FracA = Temp
End Function
Function Num2FracB (ByVal X As Double, _
ByVal Denominator As Long) As String
Dim Temp As String, Fixed As Double, Numerator As Long
Dim Factor As Long
X = Abs(X)
Fixed = Int(X)
Numerator = Int((X - Fixed) * Denominator + .5) ' Rounding
If Numerator = Denominator Then
Fixed = Fixed + 1
Numerator = 0
End If
If Fixed > 0 Then
Temp = CStr(Fixed)
End If
If Numerator > 0 Then
Factor = GCF(Numerator, Denominator) ' Factor for normalization.
Temp = Trim$(Temp & " " & Numerator / Factor & "/" & _
Denominator / Factor)
End If
Num2FracB = Temp
End Function
Function GCF (ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long
' Returns the Greatest Common Factor.
' The largest number that will evenly divide into both X and Y.
Dim Temp As Long
X = Abs(X) ' Make both numbers positive.
Y = Abs(Y)
Temp = X Mod Y
Do While Temp > 0
X = Y
Y = Temp
Temp = X Mod Y
End Function
2. Run the project and then press CTRL+BREAK to pause.
3. In the Debug/Immediate window, type the following:
?Num2Frac(3.54), Num2FracA(3.54,8), Num2FracB(3.54,8)
3 1/2 3 4/8 3 1/2
For more information about getting help with Visual Basic for Applications, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : VBA: Programming Resources for Visual Basic for
(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by
Malcolm Stewart, Microsoft Corporation
Additional query words: vba kbVBA kbVBp kbdta
Keywords : kbcode
Issue type : kbhowto kbinfo
Last Reviewed: May 19, 1999