XL98: Using the MenuBars Method in Microsoft Excel 98

ID: Q183540

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel version 5.0, you can use the MenuBars method in a Visual Basic for Applications macro to display different menu bars in Microsoft Excel. In Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition, the MenuBars method is replaced by the CommandBars method.

However, to provide backward compatibility, Microsoft Excel 98 supports the MenuBars method. Note that the MenuBars method works differently in Microsoft Excel 98 than it does in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel.

This article contains information about using the MenuBars method in Microsoft Excel 98.


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Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition

In Microsoft Excel 98, menu bars are replaced with command bars. Note that some Microsoft Excel 5.0 menu bars do not have an equivalent command bar. These earlier menu bars have been removed to provide consistency with the other Microsoft Office 98 programs. For this reason, if you use the MenuBars method to display a menu bar, a different command bar than the one you specify may appear.

To display a command bar in Microsoft Excel 98, you can use the following MenuBars command in a macro


where <xlConstant> is a variable.

The following table lists the Microsoft Excel 98 command bar equivalents for the Microsoft Excel version 5.0 menu bars and the corresponding values.

   Excel 98                  Value in        Value in
   menu bar name             Excel 98        Excel 5.0

   Worksheet Menu Bar        xlWorksheet     xlWorksheet4
   Chart Menu Bar            xlChart         xlChart4
   Worksheet Menu Bar        xlWorksheet     xlNoDocuments
   Worksheet Menu Bar        xlWorksheet     xlInfo
   Worksheet Menu Bar        xlWorksheet     xlWorksheetShort
   Chart Menu Bar            xlChart         xlChartShort
   Worksheet Menu Bar        xlWorksheet     xlWorksheet
   Chart Menu Bar            xlChart         xlChart
   Menu in Visual Basic
   Editor                    <None>          xlModule


In Microsoft Excel 98, if you run a macro that contains the following command


Microsoft Excel 98 displays the "Worksheet Menu Bar" command bar because the xlWorksheet4 value translates to "Worksheet Menu Bar" in Microsoft Excel 98.

To run the equivalent command in Microsoft Excel 98, use the following command:

   CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Visible = True

NOTE: The CommandBars command does not use the value listed in the table. Instead, the command uses the name of the command bar that you want to display.

The Visual Basic Module Menu Bar:

The "Visual Basic Module" (xlModule) menu bar is not available in Microsoft Excel 98; there is no equivalent command bar. Instead, you must display the Visual Basic Editor. To do this, use the following command:

   Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = True

Microsoft Excel 5.0

In Microsoft Excel version 5.0, there are nine built-in menu bars that you can display by using the following MenuBars command in a macro


where <xlConstant> is a variable.

The following table lists the built-in menu bars and the corresponding values that you use with the MenuBars command.

   Menu bar                                   Value

   Worksheet (Microsoft Excel 4.0)            xlWorksheet4
   Chart (Microsoft Excel 4.0)                xlChart4
   No Documents Open                          xlNoDocuments
   Info                                       xlInfo
   Worksheet (Microsoft Excel 4.0, short)     xlWorksheetShort
   Chart (Microsoft Excel 4.0, short)         xlChartShort
   Worksheet                                  xlWorksheet
   Chart                                      xlChart
   Visual Basic Module                        xlModule


To display the Microsoft Excel 4.0 Worksheet MenuBar in Microsoft Excel 5.0, use the following command:


Additional query words: XL98
Keywords          : xlvbahowto xlvbmigrate 
Version           : MACINTOSH:98
Platform          : MACINTOSH
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: June 30, 1999