FIX: Invalid Page Fault Occurs with More Than 34 DDE Channels

ID: Q180624

The information in this article applies to:


The following error message is displayed if you attempt to open more than 34 DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) channels:

VB5 caused an invalid page fault in module KRNL386.EXE at 0002:000033C6

This error message is displayed only in the 32-bit versions of Visual Basic running under Windows 95.


Use OLE automation instead of DDE. OLE automation is the current and future support technology at Microsoft. For more information about OLE automation see the following:

To be safe, you should also reuse connections rather than open additional ones to keep the total number of open connections below 30.


This problem has been fixed in Microsoft Windows 98.


The number of DDE channels required to reproduce this problem varies by machine and configuration and is not predictable. This behavior occurs in as few as 34 channels to as many as 72 channels.

The next section shows how to create a sample project that demonstrates this behavior. In order to observe the behavior, you need to create an Excel spreadsheet to act as a server.

Create the Excel Spreadsheet

  1. Start Excel. Book1 is created by default.

  2. Enter a number in the cell R1C1.

  3. Save the spreadsheet using the default filename Book1.xls, and then Minimize Excel.

After you create and save the Excel spreadsheet, create the Visual Basic project to reproduce the behavior.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Start a new Standard EXE project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

  2. Add the CommandButton, Label, and Text Box to Form1. Set the Index property of the Label control to 0.

  3. Copy the following code to the Code window of Form1:
          Option Explicit
          Const MAX_CONNECTIONS = 98
          Private Sub Form_Load()
          'Creates a grid composed of labels.
             Dim i As Integer
             Dim n As Integer
             Dim j As Integer
             Dim temptop As Integer
             Dim templeft As Long
             templeft = 120
             temptop = 120
             ' Set initial properties of label used as template for dynamically
             ' created labels.
             Label1(0).BorderStyle = 1
             Label1(0).Caption = ""
             Label1(0).Visible = False
             Label1(0).Move 120, 120, 1200, 300
             ' Size form to handle array of MAX_CONNECTIONS labels and other
             ' controls.
             Me.Height = (Label1(0).Height * 14) + (60 * 15) + 980
             Me.Width = (Label1(0).Width * 7) + (60 * 8) + 200
             Me.Caption = "DDE Connection Limit Test"
             'Set initial properties of Command1.
             Command1.Caption = "Number of DDE connections"
             Command1.Move 1420, Me.Height - 920, 4800, 400
             Command1.Default = True
             'Set initial properties of Text1.
             Text1.Text = ""
             Text1.Move 120, Command1.Top, 1200, Command1.Height
             'Two nested For loops create grid of labels.
             For i = 1 To 14 'Outer loop moves down the form,
                For j = 1 To 7 'inner loop moves across the form.
                   n = n + 1 'supplies you with array index.
                   Load Label1(n)
                   Label1(n).Visible = True
                   Label1(n).Top = temptop
                   Label1(n).Left = templeft
                   templeft = templeft + Label1(0).Width + 60
                Next j
                templeft = 120
                temptop = temptop + Label1(0).Height + 60
             Next i
          End Sub
          Private Sub Command1_Click()
             Dim iValue As Integer
             Dim i As Integer
             'Get the value entered by the user.
             iValue = Val(Text1)
             'Test for invalid value.
             If iValue < 1 Or iValue > MAX_CONNECTIONS Then
                MsgBox "Enter a number between 1 and " & MAX_CONNECTIONS
                Exit Sub
             End If
             'Remove any existing connections and reset all captions.
             For i = 1 To MAX_CONNECTIONS
                Label1(i).LinkMode = vbLinkNone
                Label1(i).Caption = ""
             Next i
             'Start DDE conversations for the chosen number of labels.
             For i = 1 To iValue
                Label1(i).LinkTopic = "EXCEL|Book1.xls"
                Label1(i).LinkItem = "R1C1"
                Label1(i).LinkMode = vbLinkAutomatic
             Next i
          End Sub

  4. On the Run menu, click Start, or press the F5 key to start the program. In the Text Box, enter a number between 34 and 98 and click the CommandButton. The result is that an Invalid Page Fault occurs.

Additional query words: IPF GPF Crash Dynamic Data Exchange DDE Link kbVBp400 kbVBp500
kbVBp kbInterop kbOSWin98fix kbVBp600

Keywords          : 
Version           : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,6.0
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: June 21, 1999