HOWTO: Add a Horizontal Scroll Bar to Visual Basic List BoxID: Q80190
The normal list box that comes with Visual Basic for Windows does not have a horizontal scroll bar. This can be a problem when the item in a list box extends past the boundaries of the list box. To add a horizontal scroll bar to the control, you can call the Windows API SendMessage function with the LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT (WM_USER + 21) constant.
To add a horizontal scroll bar to a list box, perform a SendMessage
function call with the LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT constant.
This message sets the width in pixels by which a list box can scroll
horizontally. If the size of the list box is smaller than this value,
the horizontal scroll bar will horizontally scroll items in the list
box. If the list box is large as or larger than this value, the
horizontal scroll bar is disabled.
The parameters for the SendMessage function are as follows:
SendMessage(hWnd%, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, wParam%, lParam&)
hWnd% - Handle to the list box
wParam% - Specifies the number of pixels by which the list
box can be scrolled
lParam% - Is not used
Control Name (CtlName in Visual Basic 1.0 for Windows)
Command button Command1
List box List1
'======== General Declarations for Form1 ==================
' For VB4 16-bit, add the keyword Private before each Declare,
' and enter the following Declare as one, single line:
Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "user" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal wMsg%,
ByVal wParam%, ByVal lParam&)
Declare Function GetFocus Lib "User" () as Integer
'======== Form1 =======================
'NOTE: each command must appear on one, single line.
Sub Command1_Click ()
Const NUL = 0&
' wParam is in PIXEL(3).
ScaleMode = 3
' Get the handle.
ListHwnd% = GetFocus()
' This string will show up initially.
ListString1$ = "Derek is a great "
' You can scroll to see this portion.
ListString2$ = "little boy "
' You cannot scroll to see this string.
ListString3$ = "but can be a problem sometimes"
ExtraPixels% = TextWidth(ListString2$)
BoxWidth% = TextWidth(ListString1$)
' Resize the text box.
List1.Move List1.Left, List1.Top, BoxWidth%
' Add the scroll bar.
BoxWidth% + ExtraPixels%, NUL)
' Add the example string to the list box.
List1.AddItem ListString1$ + ListString2$ + ListString3$
End Sub
For additional information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q192184 : HOWTO: Add a Horizontal Scrollbar to Visual Basic ListBox
Additional query words: kbVBp300 kbVBp200 scrollbar kbListBox kbDSupport KbVBp kbVBp400
Keywords : kbVBp300 kbvbp200
Version :
Platform :
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: May 28, 1999