HOWTO: Set Tab Stops in a Visual Basic (16-bit) List BoxID: Q71067
Visual Basic version 3.0 has intrinsic multiple-column list boxes. You
create the multiple columns by dividing the linear list of items into
columns, based on the size of the list box. However, this can lead to
overlapped columns if the length of the items in the list exceed the area
allocated automatically by the list box.
NOTE: This is different than setting the Columns property of the list box,
which merely determines whether a list box scrolls vertically or
This article contains information on using the Windows API to create a
multiple-column list box by setting the tab stops of the list box, thus
creating the multiple-column effect. The related topics of dialog box
units, dialog box base units, and providing a horizontal scroll bar on a
list box are also covered.
For a complete example of this method used in a more generic manner, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q115712 : How to Fill a List Box from a Snapshot Generically
SendMessage (hWnd%, LB_SETTABSTOPS, wParam%, lparam&)
' First set the form's font properties to match the list box.
Me.FontName = list1.FontName
Me.FontSize = list1.FontSize
Me.FontBold = list1.FontBold
Me.FontItalic = list1.FontItalic
Me.FontStrikethru = list1.FontStrikethru
Me.FontUnderline = list1.FontUnderline
' Make use of the form's TextWidth function to calculate the average
' character width of the alphabet. Visual Basic uses Twips and the
' SendMessage API needs pixels, so use "screen.TwipsPerPixelX" to
' convert.
' The following code is used to return the dialog box unit
' equivalent to one character:
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
AvgCharWidth = (Me.TextWidth(alphabet) / 52) / screen.TwipsPerPixelX
' Calculate the dialog box unit for the list box.
ListBoxDialogBoxUnit = AvgCharWidth \ 4
TabStop1 = (Me.TextWidth("Hello")/screen.TwipsPerPixelX \
' For simplicity, assume container scale mode of pixels.
num_chars = Me.TextWidth("Total Character String") \ AvgCharWidth
ListBoxDialogBoxUnits = num_chars * 4
num_pixels = (ListBoxDialogBoxUnits \ 4) * AvgCharWidth
Control Name Property
Command Button Command1 Caption="Fill the ListBox"
ListBox List1 Fontname="MS Sans Serif" *
* Any TrueType font will test the code.
Option Explicit
Const WM_USER = &H400
' Win16 API constants and API declarations.
Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, _
ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, _
lParam As Any) As Long
Declare Function SetParent Lib "user" (ByVal hWndChild As Integer, _
ByVal hWndNew As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub ShellAbout Lib "shell.dll" (ByVal hWndOwner As Integer, _
ByVal lpszAppName As String, _
ByVal lpszMoreInfo As String, ByVal hIcon As Integer)
Sub Command1_Click ()
Const numchars = 20 ' White space between columns.
Dim AvgCharWidth As Single
' Variables to store the font properties.
Dim hold_fontname As String, hold_fontsize As Integer
Dim hold_fontbold As Integer, hold_fontitalic As Integer
Dim hold_fontstrikethru As Integer, hold_fontunderline As Integer
Dim retL As Long ' Return value of SendMessage
Dim WhiteSpace As Integer ' Blank pixels between columns
Dim i As Integer ' Counter
Dim t$ ' Temp variable
Dim alphabet As String ' Holds uppercase and lowercase chars.
ReDim tabstops(1 To 3) As Integer ' Tab-stop array for API call.
ReDim s(1 To 3) As String ' String array to hold test
' data.
' Save the form's original properties.
hold_fontname = Me.FontName
hold_fontsize = Me.FontSize
hold_fontbold = Me.FontBold
hold_fontitalic = Me.FontItalic
hold_fontstrikethru = Me.FontStrikethru
hold_fontunderline = Me.FontUnderline
' Set the list box's container's properties
' so that the TextWidth method of the form
' gives accurate results.
Me.FontName = list1.FontName
Me.FontSize = list1.FontSize
Me.FontBold = list1.FontBold
Me.FontItalic = list1.FontItalic
Me.FontStrikethru = list1.FontStrikethru
Me.FontUnderline = list1.FontUnderline
' Clear the list box and set up column headers.
list1.AddItem "Column1" & Chr(9) & "Column2" & Chr(9) & "Column3"
' Add test data to the list box.
s(1) = "This is a test of the"
s(2) = "Emergency Broadcast System."
s(3) = "This is only a test!"
' Add the test data with tabs into list box.
For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
t$ = t$ & s(i) & Chr(9)
Next i
list1.AddItem t$
' Get the average character width of the current list-box font
' now reflected in the container form's properties;
' this needs to be on one line of code.
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
AvgCharWidth = (Me.TextWidth(alphabet) / screen.TwipsPerPixelX) _
/ 52
' Set a variable for the white space you want between columns.
WhiteSpace = AvgCharWidth * numchars
' Accumulate tab stops in list box's dialog box units;
' NOTE: these tabstop statements should each be on one line.
tabstops(1) = ((Me.TextWidth(s(1)) / screen.TwipsPerPixelX + _
WhiteSpace) \ AvgCharWidth) * 4 tabstops(2) = tabstops(1) + _
((Me.TextWidth(s(2)) / screen.TwipsPerPixelX + WhiteSpace) \ _
AvgCharWidth) * 4
' This third value is not necessary for the tab stops, but it
' is used to set the extent of the horizontal scrolling area.
tabstops(3) = tabstops(2) + ((Me.TextWidth(s(3)) / _
screen.TwipsPerPixelX + WhiteSpace) \ AvgCharWidth) * 4
' Set the tab stops for the list box in dialog box units.
retL = SendMessage(list1.hWnd, LB_SETTABSTOPS, 3, tabstops(1))
' Set the horizontal extent to the last tab stop.
' Because the tab-stop array holds dialog box units (which
' represent 4 times the number of characters), to get that value
' converted into pixels, perform the inverse operation.
retL = SendMessage(list1.hWnd, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, _
(tabstops(3) \ 4) * AvgCharWidth, 0&)
' Tell the list box to refresh its display.
' Restore form's property values.
Me.FontName = hold_fontname
Me.FontSize = hold_fontsize
Me.FontBold = hold_fontbold
Me.FontItalic = hold_fontitalic
Me.FontStrikethru = hold_fontstrikethru
Me.FontUnderline = hold_fontunderline
End Sub
Keywords : kbcode kbVBp300 kbvbp200
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: May 24, 1999