HOWTO: Use HTML Help Text Popup Windows in a VBasic ProgramID: Q192118
This article describes how to use HTML Help context-sensitive text popup
windows in a Visual Basic application. If the user places the cursor on a
control and presses the F1 key, the context-sensitive text appears in a
small box.
NOTE: This article assumes that the reader has already prepared an HTML
Help project file with the HTML Help Workshop and is ready to add context-
sensitive text popup windows to it.
.topic 1
This is a text popup window for topic 1.
.topic 2
This is a text popup window for topic 2.
.topic 3
This is a text popup window for topic 3.
For each topic, the ".topic" is required, followed by a space and
a numeric constant or number. The line immediately following must
contain the text that you want to appear in the popup window.
This is a text popup window for topic 1.
This is a text popup window for topic 2.
This is a text popup window for topic 3.
In this example, you need to define the constants IDH_MYTOPIC1,
IDH_MYTOPIC2, IDH_MYTOPIC3 in the [MAP] section of the help project file
as follows:
#define IDH_MYTOPIC1 1
#define IDH_MYTOPIC2 2
#define IDH_MYTOPIC3 3
There is additional information about creating the text topic file in
the HTML Help Workshop Help under the topic "To create a
context-sensitive help topic file".
#include cpopups.txt
NOTE: Use a text editor to add the [TEXT POPUPS] and the #include
Public Const HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP = &H11
Declare Function HtmlHelpByRefArg Lib "hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA"
(ByVal hwndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, ByVal uCommand As
Long, ByRef dwData As Any) As Long
dwControlId As Long
dwTopicId As Long
End Type
'This array should contain the number of controls that have
'context-sensitive help, plus one more for a zero-terminating
Public ids(4) As HH_IDPAIR
Declare Function GetDlgCtrlID Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As
Public Const g_sHTMLHelpFile As String =
NOTE: This example assumes the .chm file is in the same directory as
the Visual Basic application because no path is specified.
Private Sub Form_Load()
ids(0).dwControlId = GetDlgCtrlID(Me.MyButton.hWnd)
ids(0).dwTopicId = 1
ids(1).dwControlId = GetDlgCtrlID(Me.MyText.hWnd)
ids(1).dwTopicId = 2
ids(2).dwControlId = GetDlgCtrlID(Me.MyList.hWnd)
ids(2).dwTopicId = 3
ids(3).dwControlId = 0
ids(3).dwTopicId = 0
End Sub
NOTE: The last pair in the array must contain zeros (0).
Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then
iRetCode = HtmlHelpByRefArg(Me.ActiveControl.hWnd,_
g_sHTMLHelpFile, HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP, ids(0))
End If
End Sub
"Official Microsoft HTML Help Authoring Kit", Steve Wexler, Microsoft
Press, 1998
The HTML Help Web site:
Keywords : kbAPI kbHTMLHelp kbVBp500
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: May 13, 1999