HOWTO: Use Temporary Tables in SQL Server from Visual Basic 3.0ID: Q115237
This article explains how to use Visual Basic code to create and use
temporary tables. It uses the Pubs sample database that comes with
Microsoft SQL Server, but the issues and pitfalls are similar for other
client/server databases.
Programmers taking advantage of the performance of a client/server
database, such as a Microsoft SQL Server database, occasionally need to use
temporary tables on the server to address situations like these:
Microsoft SQL Server maintains temporary tables created by queries only as long as the SQL session or connection that created them exists. When a Visual Basic program opens a database, the SQL Server session or connection is maintained as long as that database object, representing that database connection, is in scope and valid.
ConnectionTimeout = 1 ; in seconds, default=600
Even with the setting at the minimum of 1 second, you need to allow the
database engine some background processing time to actually drop the
connection. The database engine must enter an idle loop to actually close
the connection. To ensure that this happens, place the following code after
the database close method:
start = Timer
While Timer < start + 2
The timer loop ensures that enough time has elapsed since the database
close statement, and the FreeLocks statement allows the Microsoft Access
database engine to enter an idle loop to finish background processing.
Q110227 PRB:Closed ODBC Database Stays Open Until Time-Out or VB Ends
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online ServicesThe installation program will not copy over a newer version of the DLL, so the possibility exists that even if you ship the older driver (the one that works correctly) with your project, the user may have the newer version already installed. For example, if the newer version is 1.02.3231 and the one you ship is 1.01.2920, the installation program will leave the newer version 1.02.3231 on your customer's computer.
Error number 3146 on line 1001 ODBC--call failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] There is already an
object named '#sqltemp1' in the database. (#2714)
Error number 3146 on line 1003 ODBC--call failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] There is already an
object named '#sqltemp2' in the database. (#2714)
Despite the occurrence of the trappable errors, the program will work correctly if you trap the errors.
DlgWidthUnits = LOWORD(GetDialogBaseUnits()) / 4
The tab stops are specified in dialog units. On the average, each character
is about four horizontal dialog box units in width. The tab stop values
must be in increasing order. The tabs work the way typewriter tab stops
work. Once a tab stop is overrun, a tab character moves the cursor to the
next tab stop. If the tab stop list is overrun (that is, if the current
position is greater than the last tab stop value), the default tab of eight
characters is used.
Control Property Setting
Text1 MultiLine True
Text1 Scrollbars 3 - Both
Command1 Caption "Query Using Temp Tables"
Sub Form_Load ()
Dim fwidth As Integer, fheight As Integer
' Position and size the form regardless of screen resolution:
Me.Move 0, 0, screen.Width, screen.Height * .89
fwidth = Me.ScaleWidth
fheight = Me.ScaleHeight
' Position and size the controls regardless of screen resolution:
list1.Move 0, 0, fwidth / 3, fheight / 2
list2.Move fwidth / 3, 0, fwidth / 3, fheight / 2
list3.Move 2 * fwidth / 3, 0, fwidth / 3, fheight / 2
text1.Move 0, list1.Height, fwidth
' Size and center the command button:
' Enter the following three lines as one, single line of code:
command1.Move (fwidth - Me.TextWidth((command1.Caption))) / 2,
list1.Height + text1.Height, Me.TextWidth((command1.Caption)),
2 * Me.TextHeight((command1.Caption))
End Sub
Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim NL As String, sql As String
' Line labels are included on data operations to help locate the
' statements where errors may occur.
On Error GoTo localerrhandler
' Define newline string:
NL = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
' Open a connection to a SQL Server database:
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line of code:
Set db1 =
OpenDatabase("", 0, 0,"odbc;dsn=texas;database=pubs;uid=sa;pwd=;")
' Define first preliminary query, putting the result into temp table
' #sqltemp1. Return a list of all the titles with their associated
' title_id, price last name, and au_id fields. If the title has
' multiple authors, return only the first author listed in title
' author table:
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line of code:
sql = "select titles.title, price, au_lname, authors.au_id,
sql = sql & " into #sqltemp1 "
sql = sql & " from authors, titles, titleauthor, titleauthor"
sql = sql & " where authors.au_id = titleauthor.au_id "
sql = sql & " and titles.title_id=titleauthor.title_id"
sql = sql & " and titleauthor.au_ord= 1"
' Create a snapshot to execute the action query:
1001 : Set sn = db1.CreateSnapshot(sql, DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
' Create a snapshot to check the results of the query:
sql = "select * from #sqltemp1"
1002 : Set sn = db1.CreateSnapshot(sql, DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
' Call Sub procedure to fill list box:
Fill_List list1
' Define second preliminary query, putting the result into temp table
' #sqltemp2. Return a list of all store names with their associated
' stor_address, title, title_id, price, ytd_sales fields, and show
' which had year-to-date sales greater than $10,000.00
' for particular titles.
sql = "SELECT stor_name, stor_address, sales.title_id,"
sql = sql & " title, ytd_sales, price"
sql = sql & " into #sqltemp2 "
sql = sql & " from sales, stores, titles"
sql = sql & " where titles.title_id=sales.title_id"
sql = sql & " and sales.stor_id=stores.stor_id"
sql = sql & " and titles.ytd_sales > 10000.00"
' Create a snapshot to execute the action query:
1003 : Set sn = db1.CreateSnapshot(sql, DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
' Create a snapshot to check the results of the query:
sql = "select * from #sqltemp2"
1004 : Set sn = db1.CreateSnapshot(sql, DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
' Call Sub procedure to fill the list box:
Fill_List list2
' Define a simple query that joins
' the two temp tables, #sqltemp1, #sqltemp2:
sql = "select #sqltemp1.au_lname, #sqltemp2.ytd_sales,"
sql = sql & " #sqltemp2.stor_name, #sqltemp2.title"
sql = sql & " from #sqltemp1 , #sqltemp2"
sql = sql & " where #sqltemp1.title_id= #sqltemp2.title_id"
' Create a snapshot to fetch the results of the query:
1005 : Set sn = db1.CreateSnapshot(sql, DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
' call the Sub procedure to fill the list box:
Fill_List list3
' To demonstrate the fact that temp tables
' on the SQL Server only persist during the
' lifetime of an active session or connection,
' execute the following code, and then attempt
' to access the temp tables. See the text of
' this article for more info.
' Set sn = Nothing
' 1011 : db1.Close
' start = Timer
' While Timer < start + 2
' Wend
' FreeLocks
' conn$ = "odbc;dsn=texas;database=pubs;uid=sa;pwd=;"
'1006 : Set db1 = OpenDatabase("", 0, 0, conn$)
' Clean up temp tables in case you need to re-create
' them while this current connection is alive.
' If you close the connection, SQL Server will
' destroy the temp tables automatically
sql = "drop table #sqltemp1"
1007 : Set sn = db1.CreateSnapshot(sql, DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
sql = "drop table #sqltemp2"
1008 : Set sn = db1.CreateSnapshot(sql, DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
' void the pointer
Set sn = Nothing
1009 : db1.Close
Exit Sub
text1 = text1 & "Error number " & Err & " on line labeled " & Erl
text1 = text1 & " " & Error$ & NL
Resume Next
End Sub
Option Explicit
' Enter the following Declare statement as one, single line:
Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer,
ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer,
lparam As Any) As Long
Declare Function GetDialogBaseUnits Lib "User" () As Long
Const WM_USER = &H400
' Add a horizontal scrollbar to the list boxes:
Dim biggest_value() As Integer
Dim tabstops() As Integer
Dim db1 As database
Dim sn As snapshot
Function LOWORD (lparam As Long) As Integer
LOWORD = CInt((lparam And &HFFFF&))
End Function
Sub Fill_List (l As Control)
Dim i As Integer, listline$
Dim retval&, DBWidthUnits As Single, fieldpiece As String
Dim dlgratio As Single, accumpixels As Integer
Dim TabSpace As Integer, charwidth_pixels As Integer
Const numchars = 6 'number of blank characters between columns
' This Sub accepts a list box control as a parameter
' and fills it with the contents of a global snapshot.
' Set tap stops in the list box to align the fields in the snapshot
' into columns by using dialog box units. Then add a horizontal
' scrollbar to the list box.
' The following formula gives DBWidthUnits given pixels
' DBWidthUnits= numpixels * 4/LOWORD(GetDialogBaseUnits())
' Rearranging the above formula gives pixels given DBWidthUnits
' numpixels= DBWidthUnits * LOWORD(GetDialogBaseUnits())/4
' For more efficient calculation, calculate a multiplier, based on
' the above formulas. Use it to convert pixels to DBWidthUnits:
dlgratio = 4 / LOWORD(GetDialogBaseUnits())
' Return the DBunits for width:
DBWidthUnits = LOWORD(GetDialogBaseUnits()) / 4
' One character averages 4 * DBWidthUnits in pixels:
charwidth_pixels = numchars * 4 * DBWidthUnits
' Calculate the extra space between tabbed fields:
TabSpace = charwidth_pixels * dlgratio
' Loop through and display the records:
ReDim biggest_value(0 To sn.Fields.Count - 1)
ReDim tabstops(1 To sn.Fields.Count)
While Not sn.EOF
For i = 0 To sn.Fields.Count - 1
' In case of nulls in field, promote the NULL to empty string:
fieldpiece = sn(i) & ""
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
If Me.TextWidth(fieldpiece) /
screen.TwipsPerPixelX > biggest_value(i) Then
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
biggest_value(i) = Me.TextWidth(fieldpiece) /
End If
listline$ = listline$ & fieldpiece & Chr$(9)
Next i
l.AddItem listline$
listline$ = ""
For i = 0 To sn.Fields.Count - 1
accumpixels = accumpixels + biggest_value(i)
tabstops(i + 1) = accumpixels * dlgratio + (i + 1) * TabSpace
Next i
' Send a message to l:
retval& = SendMessage(l.hWnd, LB_SETTABSTOPS, i, tabstops(1))
' Add a horizontal scrollbar to single select list box.
' The message LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT expects the extent to be
' specified in pixels. Exploit the fact that the last tabstop
' element is not needed (tabs needed are one less than the number
' of fields to be tabbed. Store the accumulated length of the entire
' line in the last tab stop array element. The length is stored in
' DBWidthUnits. Convert it to pixels by dividing with the dlgratio
' calculated above.
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line of code:
retval& = SendMessage(l.hWnd, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, tabstops(i) /
dlgratio, ByVal 0&)
End Sub
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbVBp300 kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 19, 1999