BUG: Wincore.cpp Line 879 Assert When Using MFC Classes

ID: Q192853

The information in this article applies to:


When you use MFC, the following assert can occur:

Program: e:\test\app.exe File: wincore.cpp Line: 879
The following example calls CDatabase::OpenEx() from inside an MFC regular DLL and shows the resulting assert. The problem is not limited to the MFC Database classes.

If you expose an OLE automation method in an MFC regular DLL and have code like:

   STDMETHODIMP CTest::TestMethod()
      CDatabase db;

      return S_OK;
the assertion dialog appears.

This doesn't happen in an application built with Visual C++, version 5.0. Also this problem only occurs in debug builds. The release build runs correctly.


Code has been added to the GetSafeOwner_() call that calls GetRoutingFrame_(). In the GetRoutingFrame_() function, you can see the following code:

   if (pFrame != NULL)
This assertion is not correct. This assertion assumes that there is a handle map and that the pFrame CWnd * is in either the temporary or permanent CWnd handle map. Neither of these situations is true in the scenario described in the Symptoms section.


To get rid of the failed asserts, you can add the following code to debug builds:

   class CTempRoutingFrame
      CFrameWnd* m_pFrame ;
        CTempRoutingFrame(CFrameWnd * pWnd= NULL)
          // Save current value.
          m_pFrame = AfxGetThreadState()->m_pRoutingFrame;
          // Set to value passed in. NULL by default.
          AfxGetThreadState()->m_pRoutingFrame = pWnd;
          // Restore m_pRoutingFrame to original value.
          AfxGetThreadState()->m_pRoutingFrame = m_pFrame;

   STDMETHODIMP CsrvTest2::Test()

      #ifdef _DEBUG
        CTempRoutingFrame tmp;

      CDatabase db;

      return S_OK;
If you need to add this code in many places, you may want to write a macro such as the following:

   #ifdef _DEBUG
      #define ASSERT_FIX() CTempRoutingFrame tmp;
      #define ASSERT_FIX()
So you can do the following:

   STDMETHODIMP CsrvTest2::Test()


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.

Keywords          : kbDatabase kbMFC kbVC600bug 
Version           : WINNT:
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : kbbug 

Last Reviewed: July 15, 1999