PRB: Owner-Drawn ListView Control in 68K Application Crashes MacintoshID: Q200099
When displaying an owner-drawn ListView control in report view on a 68K Macintosh, the Macintosh system crashes displaying the following message:
If the program is executed under the debugger, Developer Studio displays the following message:Sorry, a system error occurred.
"application name"
divide by zero
Exception in xxx.exe: 0x00000004: Divide by Zero
A bug with the height initialization of the ListView item for the control causes the internal call to ShowWindow to perform a divide-by-zero operation.
Set the height of the ListView control item to an appropriate value in the parent window's WM_MEASUREITEM handler for the ListView control. This can be done through the itemHeight field of the LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT structure pointer provided.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.
The workaround involves setting the itemHeight data member of the
LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT structure pointer before the control is displayed.
This can be done only in the parent window's WM_MEASUREITEM handler. It
is not necessary to initially create the control without the WS_VISIBLE
The code below shows an example for an owner-drawn ListView control in a
form view. The default height of a ListView control item on the
Macintosh is 14 pixels.
// WM_MEASUREITEM is sent to parent of list control
void CMyView::OnMeasureItem(int nIDCtl,
if (nIDCtl == IDC_LIST1) {
// Calculate appropriate font height.
int newHeight = 0;
CFont* pFont = (CFont*)GetFont();
if (pFont) {
newHeight = (lf.lfHeight > 0) ? lf.lfHeight : -lf.lfHeight;
// Set new itemHeight, use 14 as default height.
lpMeasureItemStruct->itemHeight = newHeight ? newHeight : 14;
CFormView::OnMeasureItem(nIDCtl, lpMeasureItemStruct);
IDC_LIST1 is the ID of the owner-drawn ListView control.
(c) Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Adam Kim, Microsoft Corporation.
Additional query words: ownerdrawn ownerdraw CListCtrl list view WLM 4.0 4.1 4.2 owner-draw
Keywords : kbMAC kbVC kbDSupport MacPrgIss
Version : MACINTOSH:4.0b
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: June 30, 1999