Cannot Run Uninstal.exe from Windows 98 Startup Disk

ID: Q187726

The information in this article applies to:


Three files included with Windows 98 reference the ability to run the Windows 98 Uninstall program (Uninstal.exe) from the Windows 98 Startup disk. This information is incorrect; you cannot run Uninstal.exe from the Windows 98 Startup disk.

The three files that incorrectly indicate that you can run Uninstal.exe from the Windows 98 Startup disk are:


The Uninstal.exe file is not included on the Windows 98 Startup disk.


You can uninstall Windows 98 by using the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel, or at a command prompt by running Uninstal.exe from the Windows\Command folder. For additional information about how to uninstall Windows 98, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

TITLE : How to Uninstall Windows 98

NOTE: Microsoft does not recommend extracting or copying the Uninstal.exe file to the Windows 98 Startup disk because in some configurations uninstalling Windows 98 is not possible (for example, from a drive compressed with DriveSpace). To determine if Windows 98 can be uninstalled from your computer, check for either of the following items:
If either (or both) of these items exist, uninstallation is possible.

Additional query words: uninstall.exe

Keywords          : kbtool kbdocerr win98 
Version           : WINDOWS:
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: February 5, 1999