Cannot Start Windows 98 with Umax S6E Scanner InstalledID: Q232960
After you upgrade to Windows 98 Second Edition with a Umax 6SE Vista Scan scanner installed, or if you have Windows 98 Second Edition installed and you then install a Umax 6SE Vista Scan scanner, you may be unable to start Windows.
The software for the Umax 6SE Vista Scan scanner is not compatible with Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition.
To resolve this issue, restart your computer in Safe mode and remove the Umax 6SE Vista Scan software.
To start Windows 98 in Safe mode, restart your computer, press and hold down the CTRL key until the Windows 98 Startup menu appears, and then choose Safe Mode.
For information about how to remove the Umax 6SE Vista Scan software, refer to the documentation included with the device, or contact the manufacturer of the device.
When you install the drivers for the Umax 6SE Vista Scan scanner, the default path statement in the Autoexec.bat file is overwritten with the statement "path c:\ummgr". As a result, the file may not be found and the computer may not start.
The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kb3rdparty winboot win98se
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: June 9, 1999