Changes to Your Computer Not Saved After Incorrect Shut DownID: Q216302
If you change a system setting on your computer, shut down your computer incorrectly and then restart it, the change may not be retained. For example, if you create a custom toolbar, and your computer stops responding (hangs) so that you must restart your computer, the toolbar may not exist when you restart your computer.
This issue can occur if the change you made includes registry settings. Some registry settings for system changes are not saved until you quit Windows, so if your computer is shut down incorrectly, Windows may be unable to save those changes.
To resolve this issue, restart your computer immediately after you make this type of system change so Windows can save these settings to the registry.
Additional query words: 98 95
Keywords : kbui win95 win98
Version : WINDOWS:95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: May 6, 1999