Err Msg: Your Computer Does Not Have Enough Free Memory to Defrag the DriveID: Q229154
When you attempt to run Disk Defragmenter (Defrag.exe) or ScanDisk (Scandskw.exe), you may receive one of the following error messages:
- Your computer does not have enough free memory to defrag the drive. Quit one or more programs.
ID# Defrag009
- ScanDisk could not continue because your computer does not have enough available memory.
This issue can occur if you are running Windows on a hard disk that is larger than 8 gigabytes (GB) in size and has a cluster size less than 8 kilobytes (KB). This configuration may be created if you use a third-party disk tool to create a partition on a hard disk that is larger than 8 (GB) in size and has a cluster size less than 8 KB.
To resolve this issue, contact the manufacturer of the third-party hard disk tool to inquire about a possible update to the software that resolves this issue.
The standard FAT32 cluster size of 4,096 bytes only applies for hard disks smaller than 8 GB. The third-party hard disk tool may change the cluster size to 4,096 bytes per allocation unit.
The default cluster sizes are listed in the following table.
Hard disk size Cluster size
512 MB to 8 GB 4 KB
8 GB to 16 GB 8 KB
16 GB and larger 16 KB
Additional query words:
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbenv kberrmsg kbtool osr2 win98 win98se
Version : WINDOWS:95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: July 13, 1999