Error Message "SU0013" Running Setup on Toshiba Tecra Computer

ID: Q188166

The information in this article applies to:


When you run Windows 98 Setup on a Toshiba Tecra computer, you may receive the following error message:


Setup could not create files on your startup drive and cannot set up Windows. If you have HPFS or Windows NT file system, you must create an MS-DOS boot partition. If you have LANtastic server or SuperStor compression, disable it before running Setup.


Some Toshiba Tecra computers were shipped with incorrect information in the hard disk partition table. As a result, Setup detects a problem with the hard disk. In this case, the partition table indicates that extended INT13 calls are not available. Regular INT13 calls work only in real (or MS-DOS) mode.


Run Windows 98 Setup from MS-DOS.


Toshiba Tecra computers are shipped with the hard disk partitioned into two logical drives: a 2-gigabyte (GB) drive C using the FAT16 file system, and a 2.75-GB drive D using the FAT32 file system.

Windows 98 Setup verifies the integrity of the file system on the drive on which it is being installed by using BIOS INT13 calls to read raw sectors from the disk. The partition table on some Tecra computers prevents these calls from working.

Depending on the information in the partition table and/or the values returned from the BIOS, Setup use either regular INT13 calls or extended INT13 calls. In this case, the partition table indicates that extended INT13 calls are not available [SUWIN:IsExtendedInt13() always returns FALSE] because the system indicator in the partition table for drive C is 0x06, which indicates a non-FAT32 file system drive. However, the regular INT13 calls work only in real mode. In protected mode, the call returns invalid data, such as a few random characters at the front of the buffer and then words running sequentially from 0x05 to 0xFF and starting over again.

Keywords          : kberrmsg kbhw kbsetup win98 
Version           : WINDOWS:
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: February 9, 1999