Error Message: The EBD Directory Does Not Exist. Change to..ID: Q187691
When you try to run the Bootdisk.bat batch file, you may receive the
following error message:
The EBD directory does not exist.
Change to the WINDOWS\COMMAND directory and try again.
This problem can occur if you run Windows 98 Setup using the /ie switch, or run Setup by using a Batch.inf file with an EBD=0 entry. These Setup methods do not create Startup disks or a Windows\Command\Ebd folder, so the files and folders that are referenced in the Bootdisk.bat batch file do not exist. This problem can also occur if Windows 98 Setup does not detect a floppy drive controller.
To work around this problem, use the appropriate method:
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows 98.
Additional query words: 98
Keywords : kbenv kberrmsg win98
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: February 5, 1999