FrontPage Express Inserts Formatting InformationID: Q189575
When you insert a Microsoft Word 97, Word 6.0, or Windows Write file by using the File command on the Insert menu in Microsoft FrontPage Express, the file format information is inserted into the FrontPage Express page along with the text. This behavior occurs whether you choose the HTML or Text option for opening the file. This behavior can also occur when you paste information from a Word 97, Word 6.0, or Windows Write document into FrontPage Express.
Word 97, Word 6.0, and Windows Write use the .doc extension by default. FrontPage Express converts document files with the .doc extension to Rich Text Format (RTF) and then inserts all of the RTF information (including file formatting information) into the page.
To prevent RTF information from being inserted into a FrontPage Express page, save the .doc file as a text (.txt) file before inserting it. When you insert the file, click Text Files (*.txt) in the Files Of Type box.
Keywords : kbtool msiew95 win98
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,4.01
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: February 12, 1999