How to Create and Customize a User-Defined Toolbar in Windows 98

ID: Q216663

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This article describes how to create and customize a user-defined toolbar in Windows 98.


To create a user-defined toolbar:

  1. Create a new folder to hold the contents of your new toolbar. To create a folder, right-click an existing folder, point to New, click Folder, type a name for this folder, and then press ENTER.

  2. Copy the items you want on your toolbar to the folder you made in step 1. Typical items on a toolbar might include shortcuts, folders, and so on.

  3. Right-click the taskbar, point to Toolbars, click New Toolbar, browse to the folder you created in step 1, click this folder, and then click OK.

  4. Restart your computer. Note that your new toolbar is visible before you restart your computer, however, you still must restart your computer to complete the toolbar creation process.

To customize a user-defined toolbar, right-click the toolbar, and then click to place or remove a check mark from the appropriate item on the menu that appears. For example, you may want to remove the text label associated with your toolbar by right-clicking your toolbar, and then clicking Show Text to remove the check mark. To add an item to your toolbar, drag the item to the toolbar, and to remove an item from your toolbar, drag it off the toolbar, and then delete it. Also, you can move this toolbar by dragging it to a new location.

NOTE: Your customized toolbar information is stored in one of the following registry keys:

Your toolbar is not on the taskbar:

Your toolbar is on the taskbar:


Additional query words: 98

Keywords          : kbtool kbui win98 
Version           : WINDOWS:
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: May 7, 1999