Maxtech 33.6 Voice/Fax Detected as Archtek SmartLink 33348TID: Q195260
When you install a Maxtech 33.6 Voice/Fax Plug and Play modem, it may be incorrectly detected as an Archtek SmartLink Modem 33348T modem.
This behavior occurs because Windows 98 does not provide support for Maxtech 33.6 Voice/Fax Plug and Play modems. Since both modems use the same chip set, the Maxtech 33.6 Voice/Fax Plug and Play modem is detected as an Archtek SmartLink Modem 33348T modem.
To resolve this behavior, contact Maxtech Technical Support to obtain an updated setup information (.inf) file that provides support for a Maxtech 33.6 Voice/Fax Plug and Play modem.
Keywords : kbhw winpnp win98
Version : WINDOWS:98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: January 30, 1999