Mouse Can Be Used Only in the Primary Monitor

ID: Q180652

The information in this article applies to:


If you have multiple monitors connected to your computer, you may be able to use the mouse only in the primary monitor.


This behavior can occur if you are running an MS-DOS-based program in full- screen mode. Windows 98 runs full-screen MS-DOS-based programs only on the primary monitor, and as a result, the mouse can be used only in the primary monitor.


To use the mouse in another monitor while you are running an MS-DOS-based program in full-screen mode, use either of the following methods:

NOTE: If the mouse pointer is not in the primary monitor when you minimize the MS-DOS-based program or run it in a window, a mouse pointer may appear in the primary monitor and in the monitor where the actual mouse pointer is located. To resolve this behavior, move the mouse pointer to the primary monitor.


This behavior is by design.


For additional information about using multiple monitors in Windows 98, click Start, click Help, click the Index tab, type multiple, and then double-click the "Multiple Display Support" topic.

Additional query words: cursor screen

Keywords          : kbdisplay kbenv win98 
Version           : WINDOWS:
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: January 30, 1999