NUM LOCK Indicator Light Remains Off After Resuming From StandbyID: Q188416
When your Windows 98-based computer resumes from standby mode, you may notice that the NUM LOCK indicator light on your keyboard may not light, although the NUM LOCK key may still work correctly.
This issue can occur if your computer's Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) does not respond correctly to Windows 98's instruction to relight the NUM LOCK key.
To work around this issue, press the NUM LOCK key twice. To resolve this issue, contact the manufacturer of your computer's motherboard to inquire about the availability of an updated BIOS that resolves this issue.
This issue only affects the functionality of the NUM LOCK key.
Additional query words: 98 95
Keywords : kbui win98
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: February 10, 1999