Windows Err Msg: Fault in MS-DOS Extender
ID: Q87239
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows operating system versions 3.1, 3.11
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11
Microsoft Windows 95
Microsoft Windows 98
This article discusses the following two error messages with stack dump:
Bad Fault in MS-DOS Extender
Standard Mode: Fault outside of MS-DOS Extender
Raw fault frame:
EC=0344 CS=031F IP=85E2 AX=001D BX=0005 CX=1800 DX=155F
SI=0178 DI=0178 BP=016E DS=027F ES=027F SS=027F SP=0166
Bad Fault in MS-DOS Extender
This error message occurs when the fault handler dispatcher in DOSX.EXE
generates another cascaded fault while trying to handle a protected-mode
exception. This error is usually caused by one of the following factors:
- HIMEM.SYS is unable to control the A20 line.
- DOS=HIGH is not functioning properly (related to HIMEM.SYS control).
- The RAM, static RAM (SRAM), single in-line memory module (SIMM), or
dynamic RAM (DRAM) chips are not functioning properly.
- You are running DR DOS.
- The third-party memory manager is not configured correctly.
- The EMM386.EXE NOEMS x=A000-EFFF line is missing from the Config.sys
- You have an old, out-of-date ROM BIOS.
- Your CMOS settings are incorrect.
- Your Windows files are old or corrupted. To test this, create a
new directory on the hard drive, and install Windows in that
- Your disks are corrupted.
- Your system is infected with the Form, Forms, Noint, or Yankee Doodle
Standard Mode Fault Outside MS-DOS Extender
This error message occurs when the Kernel generates a processor exception
during initialization (before it has installed its own exception handlers)
or when the Kernel determines that it cannot handle an exception. The
causes are the same as those for the "Fault in MS-DOS Extender" error.
Meaning of Stack Dump and Raw Fault Frame
The portion of the display labeled "Stack Dump:" should always be the same
and does not carry much valuable information.
The portion of the display labeled "Raw Fault Frame"
EC=0344 CS=031F IP=85E2 AX=001D BX=0005 CX=1800 DX=155F
SI=0178 DI=0178 BP=016E DS=027F ES=027F SS=027F SP=0166
contains information generated by the 80286 or 80386 processor in response
to the original fault. The meaning of these settings is as follows:
Setting Meaning
------- -------
EC=xxxx An exception code produced by the processor in response
to the original fault.
IP=xxxx The program counter of the faulting instruction (8086
register "IP").
CS=xxxx The code segment of the faulting instruction. If this is
"0053" or "005B", the (original) fault was in DOSX.EXE,
the "MS-DOS Extender."
FL=xxxx The flag's image at the time of the original fault.
SP=xxxx The stack pointer at the time of the original fault.
SS=xxxx The stack segment at the time of the original fault. If
this is "004B", the fault occurred on a stack belonging
The CS and IP sections tell at what point in the faulting program that
the original problem was detected.
For more information about A20 handlers, see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : Specifying A20 Handlers with HIMEM.SYS /M in MS-DOS
Additional query words:
3.10 win95 win95x
Keywords : kbdisplay kberrmsg win31 win95 win98 wfwg
Version : WINDOWS:95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: June 7, 1999