Windows Update Does Not Continue After Clicking Product UpdatesID: Q194174
When you visit the Windows Update Web page, and then click Product
Updates, the update process may not continue, and you may receive the
following message:
Please Wait: Windows Update is initializing the Product Catalog.
This behavior can occur when the hard disk that contains the Windows folder is incorrectly configured as removable.
To resolve this behavior, follow these steps:
This behavior is by design.
When you visit the Windows Update Web page, and then click Product
Updates, you normally expect to receive a Windows Update dialog box with
the following message:
This program can determine what components are installed on your
computer, and whether new components, upgrades, or enhancements are
available, specific to your computer. This check is done without
sending any information to Microsoft.
Would you like to check now?
Additional query words: 98
Keywords : kbsetup kbui win98
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: January 29, 1999