Assembly Language Conventions on DEC Alpha Systems
ID: Q159455
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 3.1
Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0
Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0
When you do kernel debugging of Windows NT on a DEC Alpha-based system,
there are a number of commonly used assembly language conventions that are
useful to know. Some of them are very simple; others are more complicated.
Debugging can go much faster after you are aware of these conventions.
Alpha assembly language has a very small number of instructions. The set
used in Windows NT operating system code is made even smaller by the fact
that floating point commands are generally not used. Because of that,
knowing the following types of assembly instructions should give you a good
start at debugging Windows NT on a DEC Alpha computer.
DEC Alpha computers, like many RISC-based systems, have a large number of
registers. There are 32 integer registers (R0-R31) and 32 floating point
registers (F0-F31), all of which are 64-bit. In most operating system
assembly code, only the integer registers will be used. Additionally, the
assembly language does not refer to the registers using R0 through R31,
instead, it uses a naming convention that indicates the general purpose of
the registers:
Register Name Purpose
-------- ---- -------
R0 V0 Frequently used to store function addresses
R1-R8 T0-T7 Temporary registers, used to store interim
values in calculations
R9-R14 S0-S5 Primary registers, used to store local variables
and other important 'permanent' values
R15 FP/S6 Frame pointer, also referred to as S6
R16-R21 A0-A5 Argument registers, used to pass arguments in
function calls.
R22-R25 T8-T11 More temporary registers
R26 RA Return Address register
R27 PV/T12 Pointer value/Temporary storage
R28 AT Assembler temporary register
R29 GP Global Pointer
R30 SP Stack Pointer
R31 ZERO Special constant register which always holds
The T and A registers are all temporary-use registers, and the S registers
are more permanent (in the sense that the S registers will always be saved
off onto the stack at the beginning of each function and restored at the
end of each function), so they can be counted on to hold the same values
before and after a function call has been made (where the A and T registers
may have been changed by the function call). The FP and SP registers will
also be saved in the same manner.
Store and Load Instructions
The two types of instructions you will commonly see are load and store,
some examples of which are:
ldl t5,0x8(s3)
ldq t1,0x460(t1)
stl t6,0x4(s2)
stq s0,0x50(sp)
The general format of both of these commands is:
ldX rY,<offset>(rZ)
stX rY,<offset>(rZ)
where X is the size of the value (longword or quadword), rY is the first
Register, and rZ is the second. The notation <offset>(rZ) means to add the
literal offset to the value in register Z and use that as a memory address,
much like the Intel instruction 'dword ptr[eax+0x4]'. In the case of the
load command, the value at <offset>(rZ) is loaded into register Y, in the
case of the store command, the value in register Y is written to the memory
at <offset>(rZ).
There are also special forms of these instructions, but the only one you
will see frequently is the load address instruction (LDA), that has the
same operands as the other load commands. A load address will compute the
address in the second operand ( <offset>(rZ) ) and put that result in rY,
rather than loading the value at that address.
Moving Data Between Registers
In Alpha assembly, you will often see the following types of commands as
well, all of which have a very similar effect:
1. bis fp,zero,a2
2. bis zero,zero,a3
3. bis zero,#0x3,a1
4. bis zero,zero,zero
In all of the above commands, zero is a special literal that refers to a
fixed register on the processor that is always set to zero. 'bis' is the
mnemonic for a bitwise or and is a very fast instruction, taking one
processor cycle to run. The four commands above have the following
- bis rX,zero,rY is a fast way of moving the value in register X into
register Y.
- bis zero,zero,rX is a fast way of zeroing out register X.
- bis zero,#0xX,rY moves the literal value X into register Y.
- The last form of the bis command, bis zero,zero,zero, effectively does
nothing. It is used when the next command is waiting on the results of a
command that is still being carried out. Because it wastes exactly 1
processor cycle and no more, it is a convenient way for assembler to say
"wait one cycle and then start doing things again".
Branch Commands
On an Intel-based system, there are a number of different types of
comparison and branch commands that are generally used sequentially; that
is, a cmp followed by a jne or a test followed by a jle. On the Alpha, the
branch command set is much smaller and each command combines the test with
the branch. The conditional branch commands have the following format
Bxx rY,<address>
where xx is a two or three letter sequence indicating the type of test to
be performed on the value in register Y and <address> is the address to
jump to if the test is true. For example:
bne t5,ExFreePool+0x27c - If t5 is not equal to zero, branch to
ble a1,KiWaitTest+0x198 - If a1 is less than or equal to zero, branch
to KiWaitTest+0x198
Conditional branch commands will almost always come after some kind of
bitwise Boolean operation on the register being tested. For example:
xor t5,a2,t5
bne t5,ExFreePool+0x27c
These examples will cause code execution to jump to ExFreePool+0x27c if the
value in t5 and a2 are equal, as an exclusive or (xor) will result in zero
for equal values and non zero for unequal values.
Alpha assembly also has unconditional branch and jump commands - br, bsr,
jsr, jmp and ret. All of these except ret have the following format:
bXX rY,<address>
jXX rY,<address>
In all 4 of the commands, the address of the next instruction is stored in
register Y and execution jumps to <address>. The ret instruction performs
the standard return.
For more information on Alpha assembly language, see the Alpha AXP
Architecture reference manual, written by Richard L. Sites and Richard T.
Witek. For information on basic debugging procedures on RISC systems,
search the Microsoft Knowledge Base on the following keywords:
Additional query words:
debug risc debugref
Keywords : NTSrvWkst
Version : WinNT:3.1,3.5,3.51,4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: January 29, 1999