Year 2000: Internet Explorer and Windows NT 4.0 Compliance Issues

ID: Q230714

The information in this article applies to:


When users load the Windows NT Server 4.0 operating system on a computer, they are asked to select from many installation options. In addition to the selectable options offered during installation of the Windows NT Server 4.0 operating system, there are additional features of the Windows NT Server 4.0 product that may be installed on the target computer. These features have been made available by Microsoft through service packs, the Windows NT Option Pack and the Windows NT Server Web site.


Because users may have selected a variety of options and installed additional features on a given system, all options and features must be considered when assessing the computer's Year 2000 readiness status. For an installation of Windows NT 4.0 to reach "Y2K compliant" status, Microsoft has created:

The Windows NT Server 4.0 optional features that must be updated or upgraded only if previous versions exist on the computer are: The installation of SP4 applies updates to the base Windows NT Server 4.0 product including the installation options. Applying SP4 also updates certain Windows NT Server 4.0 features. Users should also apply any Windows NT Year 2000 (Y2K) Updates that have been made available post-SP4.

The current post-SP4 Y2K update can be obtained from:
For more information discussing the known Year 2000 issues that are addressed by the current post-SP4 update, please see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
Q218877 Mfc40.dll Causes Programs to Display Wrong Date After 01/01/2000
Note that these updates and upgrades can be performed either before or after applying SP4.

Additional query words: Y2K; IE4.0 ;

Keywords          : ntsp 
Version           : winnt:4.0,4.0 SP4
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: July 8, 1999