HOWTO: Programatically Create a Tri-pane HTML Help WindowID: Q183191
HTML Help enables you to use a three-pane help window. This allows you to
view the toolbar, contents, and help topics in one help window. There are
two ways to create a three-pane HTML Help window from a Visual C++
Q189084 HOWTO: Create a Tri-pane Window with HTML Help WorkshopIn a Visual C++ application, start the HTML Help window by using the HTML Help API. To use the HTML Help API, Visual C++ applications must include htmlhelp.h and a link to hhctrl.lib. These files can be found in the HTML Help Workshop's \Include and \Lib directories, respectively.
// CMainFrame message handler
void CMainFrame::OnHelp()
// display the topic "intro.htm" in the window defined
// in the HTML Help Workshop
// Create an HH_WINTYPE structure.
HH_WINTYPE m_hhWinType;
// Initialize all structure members to zero.
ZeroMemory(&m_hhWinType, sizeof(HH_WINTYPE));
// Define a custom message for use with idNotify.
// You are responsible for ensuring that this ID
// does not conflict with other Windows/MFC messages.
#define IDD_HELPTAB 69999
// Set the size of the structure.
m_hhWinType.cbStruct = sizeof(HH_WINTYPE);
// Set up the properties of the HTML window:
// tripane window, sync topic with index/TOC, and so forth.
// NOTE: fsValidMembers - HHWIN_PARAM_PROPERTIES must be set.
m_hhWinType.fsWinProperties = HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE |
// Put BACK, HOME, FORWARD, and EXPAND buttons on toolbar pane.
// NOTE: fsValidMembers - HHWIN_PARAM_TB_FLAGS must be set.
m_hhWinType.fsToolBarFlags = HHWIN_BUTTON_BACK |
// The file is in the right pane. The full path is not needed.
m_hhWinType.pszFile = "intro.htm";
// Full Paths or CHM locations of various files (if used).
// To specify that a file is within a CHM, use the following
// syntax: "CHMFileName.chm::\\"
// Home Page:
m_hhWinType.pszHome = "c:\\mypath\\intro.htm";
// Table of Contents:
m_hhWinType.pszToc = "c:\\mypath\\contents.hhc";
// Index:
m_hhWinType.pszIndex = "c:\\mypath\\index.hhk";
// Expansion width of navigation pane (left pane):
// NOTE: fsValidMembers - HHWIN_PARAM_NAV_WIDTH must be set.
m_hhWinType.iNavWidth = 175;
// Initial display state:
// NOTE: fsValidMembers - HHWIN_PARAM_SHOWSTATE must be set.
m_hhWinType.nShowState = SW_RESTORE;
// TOC should be activated.
// NOTE: fsValidMembers - HHWIN PARAM_CUR_TAB must be set.
m_hhWinType.curNavType = HHWIN_NAVTYPE_TOC;
// Tabs on top.
// NOTE: fsValidMembers - HHWIN_PARAM_TABPOS must be set.
m_hhWinType.tabpos = HHWIN_NAVTAB_TOP;
// ID to use in WPARAM in WM_NOTIFY:
m_hhWinType.idNotify = IDD_HELPTAB;
// Title of Help Window:
m_hhWinType.pszCaption= "My Title";
// Indicate which fields in structure are valid.
m_hhWinType.fsValidMembers = HHWIN_PARAM_STYLES |
// Specify the name of the window definition.
m_hhWinType.pszType = "MyWindowName";
// This call creates the new type from the values in
// the HH_WINTYPE structure. This example assumes that
// a valid CHM file, "sample.chm", exists.
HtmlHelp(m_hWnd, "c:\\mypath\\sample.chm",
HH_SET_WIN_TYPE, (DWORD) &m_hhWinType);
// Display the default topic in the window that was defined above
// MFC's CFrameWnd::OnHelp message handler.
void CMainFrame::OnHelp()
HtmlHelp(m_hWnd, "sample.chm>MyWindowName",
For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q186907 HOWTO: Set Up Visual C++ to Use the HTML Help API
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbHTMLHelp
Version : WINDOWS:1.21
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 30, 1999