ID: Q184884
The information in this article applies to:
When VarCyFromStr() is passed a string containing a '$', it returns incorrect or unpredictable results.
To work around the problem, simply remove the '$' from the input string by pointing to the character beyond it or remove it and prepend it again after the conversion. For example, you can modify the sample code in the MORE INFORMATION section to point the input string past the '$':
LPWSTR szInput = L"$1,234,567.89";
MessageBox(hWnd, szInput, L"Currency Input String", MB_OK);
// Pad output string with "."
LPWSTR szOutput = L"......................................";
LPWSTR szNoDollarSign = wcsstr(szInput, '$');
szNoDollarSign = szNoDollarSign ? (szNoDollarSign + 1) : szInput;
VarCyFromStr( szNoDollarSign, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &cy );
unsigned long lFinal = (unsigned long)(cy.int64/100);
wsprintf( szOutput, TEXT( "%lu" ), lFinal );
MessageBox(hWnd, szOutput, L"Currency converted String", MB_OK);
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this bug and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
The following code demonstrates the problem:
LPWSTR szInput = L"$1,234,567.89";
MessageBox(hWnd, szInput, L"Currency Input String", MB_OK);
// Pad output string with "."
LPWSTR szOutput = L"......................................";
VarCyFromStr( szInput, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &cy );
unsigned long lFinal = (unsigned long)(cy.int64/100);
wsprintf( szOutput, TEXT( "%lu" ), lFinal );
MessageBox(hWnd, szOutput, L"Currency converted String", MB_OK);
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbWinCE LeTwoAto LeTwoCom
Version : WinCE:1.0,1.01,2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: July 4, 1998