INFO: Availability of Microsoft Network SDKs

ID: Q115604

The information in this article applies to:


The following SDKs are available for programmers writing network applications on Microsoft platforms:

Microsoft Windows for Workgroups SDK

This is available on the April 1994 (and later) Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Level 2 CDs.

The SDK, documentation, debug kernel, and other files for network programmers on Windows for Workgroups, version 3.11 are available on the April 1994 MSDN. This SDK includes APIs for the network extensions to Windows for Workgroups, version 3.11.

Microsoft LAN Manager SDK

The documentation is available in two books:

This SDK includes APIs for writing distributed applications and administration programs for Microsoft LAN Manager.

LAN Manager APIs for Windows NT

The file DOC\SDK\MISC\LMAPI.HLP on the CD-ROM describes the ported LAN Manager APIs. Windows NT supports 32-bit equivalents of most of the LAN Manager APIs.

The LAN Manager APIs are included in the header file LMACCESS.H and in the import library NETAPI32.LIB. These APIs are described in the Win32 API help file.

Windows Sockets APIs

The Windows Sockets APIs are available through the SDKs. The file WINSOCK.HLP gives the details.

The files needed to support Windows Sockets APIs (conforming to the Windows Sockets specifications) for Microsoft LAN Manager may be obtained on the Internet (FTP.MICROSOFT.COM, ADVSYS\LANMAN\SUP-ED\WINSOCK).

The Windows Sockets specifications, libraries, header files and samples may also be obtained from the Internet in the ADVSYS\WINSOCK directory.

Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

The support for RPC is included in the Win32 SDKs. The Win32 API help file includes the RPC APIs. The RPC.HLP file gives the details of RPC support.

RPC support files for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows may be obtained from the Win32SDK CD-ROM. The directory MSTOOLS\RPC_DOS has the required files.

NOTE: Microsoft also provides other kinds of network APIs. For example, the NetBIOSCall() API provides a mechanism to write NetBIOS applications on Microsoft Windows; on Windows NT this is accomplished with the Netbios() API. Information on these other APIs may be obtained from the Windows and Win32 SDK documentation.

Additional query words: Keywords : kbnetwork kbAPI kbNTOS310 kbNTOS350 kbNTOS351 kbRPC kbSDKPlatform kbWinOS95 kbWinsock kbNetAPI kbWinOS311 kbWinOS300 kbGrpNet

Last Reviewed: August 7, 1998