INFO: DIALOGEX Resource Template Differences from DIALOG TemplateID: Q141201
When you create or modify a dialog box template in memory, it is necessary to know the form of the DLGTEMPLATE and DLGITEMTEMPLATE structures. While these structures are well documented for DIALOG resources, they take a different form for DIALOGEX resources, and are not well documented in the SDK.
The extended DLGTEMPLATE structure, call it DLGTEMPLATEEX, has this form:
typedef struct tagDLGTEMPLATEEX{
WORD wDlgVer; // use 1
WORD wSignature; // use 0xFFFF
DWORD dwHelpID; // Dialog's context help ID
DWORD dwExStyle; // Extended style
DWORD dwStyle; // Style
WORD cDlgItems; // Number of controls in dialog
short x; // Initial position, horizontal
short y; // Initial position, vertical
short cx; // Width
short cy; // Height
This is followed by menu name, class name, title, and font info (if style
includes DS_SETFONT), which have the same form as documented in the SDK for
typedef struct tagDLGITEMTEMPLATEEX{
DWORD dwHelpID; // Context help ID for control
DWORD dwExStyle; // Control extended styles
DWORD dwStyle; // Style
short x; // Initial position, horizontal
short y; // Initial position, vertical
short cx; // Width
short cy; // Height
DWORD dwID; // Window ID
This is followed by class name, title, and creation data for the control,
which have the same form as documented in the SDK for DLGITEMTEMPLATE.
/* Allocate some memory. */
pdlgtemplate = p = (PWORD) LocalAlloc (LPTR, 1000);
/* Start to fill in the dlgtemplate information, addressing by WORDs. */
*p++ = 1; // DlgVer
*p++ = 0xFFFF; // Signature
*p++ = 0; // LOWORD HelpID
*p++ = 0; // HIWORD HelpID
*p++ = 0; // LOWORD (lExtendedStyle)
*p++ = 0; // HIWORD (lExtendedStyle)
*p++ = LOWORD (lStyle);
*p++ = HIWORD (lStyle);
*p++ = 2; // NumberOfItems
*p++ = 210; // x
*p++ = 10; // y
*p++ = 100; // cx
*p++ = 100; // cy
*p++ = 0; // Menu
*p++ = 0; // Class
/* Copy the title of the dialog box. */
nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar (p, TEXT("Dialog"));
p += nchar;
/* Font information because of DS_SETFONT. */
*p++ = MAKEWORD( 18, DEFAULT_CHARSET ); // Point size and charset.
nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar (p, TEXT("Times New Roman")); // Face name
p += nchar;
/* Make sure the first item starts on a DWORD boundary. */
p = lpwAlign (p);
/* Now start with the first item. */
*p++ = 0; // LOWORD (lHelpID)
*p++ = 0; // HIWORD (lHelpID)
*p++ = 0; // LOWORD (lExtendedStyle)
*p++ = 0; // HIWORD (lExtendedStyle)
*p++ = LOWORD (lStyle);
*p++ = HIWORD (lStyle);
*p++ = 10; // x
*p++ = 60; // y
*p++ = 80; // cx
*p++ = 20; // cy
*p++ = IDOK; // LOWORD (Control ID)
*p++ = 0; // HOWORD (Control ID)
/* Fill in class i.d., this time by name. */
char = nCopyAnsiToWideChar (p, TEXT("BUTTON"));
p += nchar;
/* Copy the text of the first item. */
nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar (p, TEXT("OK"));
p += nchar;
*p++ = 0; // Advance pointer over nExtraStuff WORD.
/* make sure the second item starts on a DWORD boundary. */
p = lpwAlign (p);
*p++ = 0; // LOWORD (lHelpID)
*p++ = 0; // HIWORD (lHelpID)
*p++ = 0; // LOWORD (lExtendedStyle)
*p++ = 0; // HIWORD (lExtendedStyle)
*p++ = LOWORD (lStyle);
*p++ = HIWORD (lStyle);
*p++ = 20; // x
*p++ = 5; // y
*p++ = 65; // cx
*p++ = 45; // cy
*p++ = 57; // LOWORD (Control ID)
*p++ = 0; // HOWORD (Control ID)
// The class name of the custom control.
nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar (p, TEXT("ACustomControl"));
p += nchar;
/* Copy the text of the second item, null terminate the string. */
nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar (p, TEXT(""));
p += nchar;
*p++ = 8; // Number of bytes of extra data.
*p++ = 0xA1; //Extra data.
*p++ = 0xA2;
*p++ = 0xA3;
*p++ = 0xA4;
DialogBoxIndirect (ghInst, (LPDLGTEMPLATE) pdlgtemplate, hwnd,
(DLGPROC) About);
LocalFree (LocalHandle (pdlgtemplate));
Helper routines taken from the WIN32SDK DYNDLG sample.
LPWORD lpwAlign ( LPWORD lpIn)
ul = (ULONG) lpIn;
ul +=3;
ul >>=2;
ul <<=2;
return (LPWORD) ul;
int nCopyAnsiToWideChar (LPWORD lpWCStr, LPSTR lpAnsiIn)
int nChar = 0;
do {
*lpWCStr++ = (WORD) *lpAnsiIn;
} while (*lpAnsiIn++);
return nChar;
For further information on using dialog templates, please see the SDK documentation for the DLGTEMPLATE and DLGITEMTEMPLATE structures.
Additional query words: 4.00 kbinf
Keywords : kbcode kbNTOS351 kbWinOS95 kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: July 21, 1999