.BIN Routine for Releasing Network Print SpoolerID: Q98687
To release the network print spooler after sending information to the printer, you can write a .BIN routine using the MS-DOS Debug program, as explained below.
To create the .BIN routine, use the code below. Do not type the semicolons
or explanations following the semicolons.
To use SP_OUT.BIN, load it early in the program, and then call it at the
points where output to the printer is completed. For example:
C:\>debug ; At the MS-DOS prompt, type DEBUG.
-nSP_OUT.BIN ; Provide a filename with a .BIN extension.
-a 100 ; Assemble at address 100.
; The address segment after the colon is
; significant--the first 4 numbers may differ.
2883:0100 MOV AX,5F04 ; Load the printer output control code
; (for 3Com, LANtastic, or LAN Manager,
; change 5F04 to 5D09;
; 5F04 cancels network redirection of device).
2883:0103 INT 21 ; Call the MS-DOS interrupt routine.
2883:0105 RETF ; FoxPro-called routines need far return.
2883:0106 ; Press ENTER at the blank line.
-rbx ; Access the base register.
bx 0000 ; This should be 0000; if so, press ENTER. If
: ; it is anything else, type 0 and press ENTER.
-rcx ; Access the count register.
cx 0000 ; Disregard whatever is here; it will be
:6 ; changed to 6 bytes.
-w ; Write the program to disk.
Writing 0006 bytes ; Message confirms write.
-q ; Quit to MS-DOS.
This callable .BIN routine closes an open LAN spool file on some networks
without you having to issue a SET PRINTER TO \\SERVER\PRINTER command. This
routine should be useful in multiuser FoxBASE+ environments because the SET
PRINTER TO command that can be used in FoxPro does not close the spool file
in FoxBASE+, making it necessary for the user to press CTRL+ALT+PRINT
SCREEN or use the .BIN routine.
LOAD sp_out && Loads SP_OUT.BIN.
@ .... SAY ....... && Printer output goes here.
@ .... SAY .......
CALL sp_out && Begin printing (call not needed
&& with LANtastic).
RELEASE MODULE sp_out && Release SP_OUT.BIN when finished.
Additional query words: FoxDos print network bin spool
Keywords :
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Last Reviewed: August 12, 1999